Chapter 28: Showdown

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"Nothing…he completely disappeared. Gone." I mutter and I throw a punch at the tree in front of me, knocking it down.
"Calm down, Lupusregina. You're not going to obtain anything with anger. You just need to be calm and collected about this…and think things through, not like you usually do." 

Well she could at least have made an effort to be a bit more gentle with her remark. I'm not exactly in the mood to get criticized right now.

I take a look at my sister that says "oh, thanks for your support and for the trust you have in me". I then sigh and brush some bits of the tree's bark off my hand.
"What? I'm being honest. You're too driven by your emotions." Narberal continues with her usual impassive look. 
"Remind me why I chose you to take with me…" I whisper in exasperation and sigh again.
"Because Yuri was busy with Master Sebas, Solution is with Lord Ainz, Entoma is with Cocytos at the Lizard men's village, and CZ is sleeping. You didn't have much of a choice, really. Be glad I was at least willing to come." 

Cold and professional like always. And also very exhaustive in her speeches.

"I don't think your little friend could have gone too far, in the condition he was. So he's probably been captured by your attacker, and he's somewhere in their hiding spot. Do you have any ideas, any clues, any insight on who the attacker might be?" 

Hmm…well, no. If I had no clue two weeks ago, I don't see why I'd have any clues right now. At this point, I'll consider it a miracle if he's still alive.

"No…he was a hooded guy with a very big rapier. But he was probably in disguise, since he was most likely stronger than him and me." I explain and start thinking very hard.
"Stronger than you? There aren't many beings stronger than an inhabitant of Nazarick in this world, as far as we know. It definitely wasn't somebody from the Empire, the Kingdom or the Slane Theocracy. Neither could it have been somebody from the other farther countries, like Argland. It was either a very powerful being who was bored and wanted to have some fun with you, or-" 
"But you said it yourself! There aren't beings stronger than us here!" I yell, interrupting her. 
"Yes…did the attacker say anything?" Narberal asks. 
"No…ahh, what's the point, I've been looking for over two weeks, and still nothing!" I whine and sit down. 
"By now, it's probably too late." 

Again, she could have been more gentle, dammit.

"Don't say that!" I snap and look at Narberal with a pretty sour expression.
"I'm just being honest. Again. So let's try to think about this one more time…"

Why not? At this point, there isn't much else we can do. I mean, I've also been trying to come up with something on my own this whole time, and I didn't go very far.

"So he was stronger than me and…"

Hold up. Mark said something before we fought that guy. 

"Lupusregina? Did you come up with anything good?" Narberal asks looking up at the sky for a second. 

Hold up just a minute here.

"Yeah…before we fought the guy, Mark said something like "it's the guy from my dream". And what he was referring to was a nightmare he had a couple of months ago. Only 4 people know of this nightmare…" 

I think I'm getting somewhere, finally. 

"Him, me, the human girl…and Shalltear." 

That bitch. She is not getting away with it.

"Yeah…she's got it all…she's stronger than me, she knew about Mark's nightmare, she had a rapier, which in reality was-" 
"The Pipette Lance disguised as one. And she also had a good motive." 

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