Clue hunting in the night

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That night, the fifteen of them wore dark clothing and snuck out of the campus. They walked down the road towards the forest. Soon, they came to the sign that warned the passers-by about monkeys.
"This is where we heard the scream," said Ned. "It was fairly loud, but not too loud."
"Alright," said Nancy. "We should split up, but still stay in sight. We'll divide ourselves into groups of three. So that's five groups. Keep in mind, we should stay within sight. Give us an owl hoot when you find anything. You guys got that?"
"Loud and clear," said all of them.
"Alright," said Frank. "Come on, boys, lets begin the clue hunting."
So they spread out and started looking around with their flashlights. They made sure to not lose sight of their friends. They've been hunting for what seemed like ages.
"It's official, there are no clues here," said Bess, annoyed. "Come on, guys, lets just go back to the campus. Paige will be onto us! Besides, I'm very tired..."
"Patience, Bess," said George. "That's something you're never gonna have."
"Lets just keep finding," said Nancy. "We're bound to find something."
"Guys we have something!" shouted Joe suddenly. "We found a scrunchie!"
"We found something too!" shouted Biff. "We found a girl's purse!"
"There's a bag here too," said Phil. "The purse probably fell out of the bag."
"There's an accounting book inside here," said Tony. "Ned, does she take accounting?"
"Yes she does," said Ned. 'We found something too!"
"What did you find?" asked Iola.
"We found a pair of glasses," said Dave. "They're really scratched, and one of the lens is missing."
"There it is!" shouted Burt, picking it up. "Yeah this one is scratched up too."
"There's a shoe here," said Callie. "It's a size nine."
"That's one big shoe," said Jessica. "Do you think it belongs to Amanda?"
"Maybe," said Bess in triumph. "There's a head band here. Plaid design."
"Looks kinda like the one you sometimes wear," said George. "Yeah you have the same one in brown right?"
"Yes I do," said Nancy. 'It's one of my favourites."
"Let's look around some more," said Chet. "Maybe we'll find more clues."
They looked around a bit more, but found nothing.
"So that means this is where the crime happened," said Frank when they went back the way we came. "Nancy, do you have caution tape?"
"Yes I do," said Nancy, taking it out of her bag. "Here you go."
They didn't really put the caution tape around the trees. They just tied it to a few trees like ribbon, and hid the parts that they've tied with the leaves.
"So now we know where the crime scene is," said Ned. "Alright, what do we do now?"
"We go back and analyse the clues," said Nancy. "Come on, we'll do it in our dorm."
So they went back and they squeezed fifteen people inside Nancy's dorm.
"I think we should go," said Tony. "Don't you think, Biff?"
"Yeah we should," said Biff. "Come on, Phil."
"See ya later, guys," said Phil, leaving with the others. "We'll discuss tomorrow."
"We should go too," said Callie. "Good night everyone."
They left and the room was way better.
"Let's see now," said Nancy, laying out the clues on her bed. "We have a a pink polka dot scrunchie, a cream plaid headband, a size nine converse shoe, a pair of scratched up glasses with the lens fallen out, a purse and a backpack."
"What's inside the bag besides the accounting book?" asked Joe. "Is there anything else inside there?"
"Only one way to find out," said Ned, opening the bag. He pulled out a cellphone with a book type cover. "A phone!"
"Who's is it?" asked Chet, grabbing it from the annoyed Ned to take a closer look.  "It is Amanda's! Like look at this. Isn't that Amelia on the home screen?"
It was. It was a picture of Amelia and Amanda smiling together. Amanda looked kinda like Amelia in terms of appearance. She wore glasses and was wearing the plaid headband that they found. Her hair was tied back.
"So this is Amanda," said Nancy, looking at the phone over Chet's shoulder. "She looks just like Amelia."
"Who did she last call?" asked Frank, taking the phone from Chet. "The last person she called was an unknown number. Joe, note this number."
He told him the number while Joe saved it in his phone.
"Besides that number, she only called her mom," said Burt, reading the call log over Frank's shoulder. "And Deirdre."
"Well no surprise there," said Dave. "They are cousins after all."
"Yeah that's true too," said George. "Wonder if they were close."
"I think they are," said Nancy. "When I saw her in the bathroom, she looked as if she had been crying non stop for hours."
"Yes I noticed her looking worried when we were in class too," said Bess. "Her face was wet, I thought she had been sweating because she only just entered that time."
"I think it's best we settle this tomorrow," said Nancy. "It's getting late, and Paige will be here in a while. You boys better clear out."
"Oh right," said Ned, getting up. "Come on, boys. Let's get out of here."
"Yeah we better," said Frank. "Or else Tyler will snitch on us if we're not there."
The six boys crept out of Nancy's dorm and went down the dark corridor, not making a sound. They walked silently to the other end of the campus, where their dormitory was. They went into hallway and were about to enter the dorm when they saw the silhouette of someone. It was Tyler. They quickly retreated.
"Oh great," whispered Ned. "Now we're in for it!"
"What do we do?" asked Chet. "He catches us, and we're dead meat!"
"Anyone there?" asked Tyler, tauntingly. "Oh come on, show yourselves! I won't eat you. The principal will! She'll love to have you for dinner tomorrow!"
He went into the bathrooms to see if anyone was hiding there.
"Quick," said Frank. "This is our chance!"
They ran into their dorm rooms as fast as they can. Tyler heard their footsteps and came to see. He looked around, but there was no one about. He started listening to each dorm door. There was silence in each one.
"Phew that was a close one!" said Dave, heaving a sigh of relief. "I hate how he taunts us. Is he supposed to do that?"
"I don't think so," said Ned. "He should be reported."
"Yes he should," said Burt. "He's loud voice is sure to wake any sleeping person up. Maybe it can also wake the dead."
"Let's sleep, guys," said Ned. "Aren't you guys sleepy?"
"Yes," said his two friends in unison.
They changed into their sleepwear and went to sleep. They slept like logs that night. The detectives stayed awake though. Nancy kept thinking what had become of Amanda. Frank and Joe were thinking the same thing too. Chet and Bess were having nightmares about having to exercise early the next day.
Soon, even the detectives fell asleep. The whole campus was silent.

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