Interrogating Max

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Dave POV
I went to Max's dorm room with a bag of snacks. There was a small whiteboard on the door, much like everyone else's.
'Feel free to talk to me coz I'm lonely :(,' is what he wrote on it.
Poor guy. His friends must've ditched him just because he can't walk much now.
I raised my fist to knock on the door, but stopped short. I should record first...
I pressed the record button on my phone and then knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" A voice asked from inside.
"It's me, Dave," I shouted from outside.
"Dave?" Max said.
He opened the door and let me in. His leg was still bandaged and he was limping, but it's definitely better because he can walk now.
"How's your leg?" I asked.
"It's getting better," said Max, sitting down on his bed. "I'll be joining you guys in class tomorrow. Anyway, what brings you here?"
"I'm just here to visit you," I smiled. "Here, I brought you some snacks."
"Oh you didn't have to be so nice," Max said, taking the bag and putting it aside. "So what have you guys been doing in class?"
"Nothing much," I said. "Just the usual stuff. You know how they are."
"Any news on Amanda?" Max asked hopefully. "Did they find anything about her?"
"Nope, nothing at all," I sheugged. "The police are still investigating around. Burt's having trouble in Social Science because he has no partner for the assignment. Amanda was his partner, by the way..."
I just mentioned Burt on purpose, to see how he'd react.
"Yeah she told me," Max said, trying to mask the sourness in his voice. "He's your best friend right?"
"Oh yeah," I said. "Known him ever since we were still at school. He Ned and I were best friends since forever."
He just nodded. I smell jealousy here...
"You must miss Amanda, huh?" I said. "What is she like? We were never close, despite being classmates."
"She's a great girl," Max said, looking down. "Very kind, very friendly. Whoever sees her would instantly want to know her. She's fun, happy and cheerful."
"That's kinda sad," I nodded sympathetically. "You must've been heartbroken when she disappeared."
"I was," said Max. "I always feared that she would leave me. You see, we were dating for a long time, since we were in high school."
"Really?" I said, interested. "You must know her well, then."
"Well, not really," Max admitted guiltily. "Not as well as I thought, though."
"Why?" I asked. "Why do you say that?"
"I doubted her," Max said. "The day before she disappeared, I told her things I shouldn't have said. Now I regret it."
Is this the one about Burt?
"Well, if you don't mind, would you tell me what you told her?" I asked. "Come on, I'm your friend. You can tell me."
"I don't even know you," Max let out a humourless chuckle. "But I'll tell you. You know why? Because I'm lonely. My friends are hanging out without me just because I'm a little unwell and can't walk very far. Now I know what it feels like to get ditched."
"I'm listening," I said, leaning forward. "Go ahead, tell me. It might make you feel better."
"Promise you won't tell Burt?" Max asked holding up his pinky.
What's this? Grade school?
"I promise," I said, hooking my pinky with his. "I won't tell Burt."
Yeah right. He and the others are gonna hear the full recording of this conversation.
"Okay you see..." Max began. "Since I don't take Social Science, Amanda had to find another partner. Her best friend doesn't take it either."
"So she chose Burt," I shrugged. "Well, we kinda ditched him because Ned and I partnered up."
"Yeah that's the thing," said Max. "She's always with him because of that assignment. And since I was kinda wound up in bed with no friends, I was annoyed that she chose to spend time with him instead of me."
"Whoa you were jealous of Burt?" I asked, with fake surprise. Well, I was at the drama club at high school for a reason.
"Yeah I guess you could say that," Max nodded begrudgingly. "You see, Burt always weirded me out."
I tried really hard to maintain a straight face and not laugh. Burt weirded him out? Burt Eddleton?!
"Why do you say that?" I asked, confused. "Burt's Burt. I don't see anything weird about him."
"Well, he always had this... this glint in his eye," Max explained with a frown. "It was this cheeky look as if he was mocking me."
Well that's what he gets for always looking so mischievous.
"Yeah I realised that too," I nodded. "He was always like that, even back when we were still in high school."
"Well, this might sound weird but um..." Max trailed off. "Does Burt have a girlfriend?"
I can't believe that this guy fears that Burt would take his precious Amanda away from him. Can't believe that Max, the campus JOCK fears that Burt Eddleton would steal his girlfriend!
"Yeah he does," I hid a smirk. "It's George. She's my girlfriend, Bess's cousin."
"Wait, George Fayne?" Max asked, shocked. I nodded and he continued. "That chick in the women's soccer team?"
I nodded again.
"But why didn't he just tell me?" Max asked.
"You never asked him," I chuckled, shrugging. "Come on, dude, Burt's a nice guy. He just looks a little mischievous, because he is a playful guy! But he would never cheat on his girlfriend because it would end badly for him."
"What do you mean?" Max asked, confused.
"George is a black belt in Judo," I gave him a knowing smirk. "If anyone messes with her, they're gonna get beaten up real bad. So you better be careful."
"Wow..." Max said, eyes wide, but then he turned sad. "Amanda learned Jiu-Jitsu too, you know? She's really good. I hope whoever abducted her got beaten up to a pulp."
"I'm sure she's okay," I said comfortingly. "She's probably on her way here this minute."
"I hope so too," Max nodded hopefully. "She doesn't deserve to get kidnapped. Why her?"
"Is she by any chance an heiress or something?" I asked, but Max shook his head. "Then why?"
"Who knows," Max said with a shrug. "She was a normal girl, average lifestyle. I have no idea why they kidnapped her."
After that, silence. We had nothing to speak about. I think it's time I made an exit.
"I gotta go," I said, getting up. "My friends wanted to go somewhere."
"Already?" Max said dismally. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little lonely here without my friends. See you around."
I said goodbye and left the dorm room.
I went straight back to our room to find the others having a game of Snap on the ground.
"Having fun without me?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Seems like you guys are having a celebration."
"Not really," said Bess. "Anyway, what did he say? Did you record the conversation?"
I held up my phone and shook it with a smirk.

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