The spy plan

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"Wasn't that guy the one we saw in the library yesterday?" Bess said, remembering the scorpion hoodie guy. "The one that kept staring at us?"
"Yeah..." George said, nodding thoughtfully. "It is. Same hoodie."
"I saw someone leaning on the willow tree this afternoon in Woodland," Ned said. "I think it's this guy. He wasn't wearing the hoodie, but he tied it around his waist. I couldn't really see his face..."
"Maybe this is the guy that stalked you guys the other day!" Joe said. "Amanda, do you think it's him?"
"I'm not sure," Amanda said. "Maybe it is! I don't know why, but recently, I always had this feeling of being watched."
"Did you realise anything?" Max asked, concerned.
"No..." Amanda said, shaking her head. "I was with you guys the whole time."
"Wait I just realised," Nancy said. "We only encountered someone strange when Amanda is with us!"
"Do you think he's targeting me?" Amanda said, swallowing a lump in her throat. "Do you think he's trying to kidnap me?"
"I have an idea," Frank said. "You guys come to our dorm after this."
"What about the movie?" Chet asked. "I already bought snacks!"
"The movie theatre is quite empty today," Iola said. "It's only gonna be us and a few more students. Besides, I'm the one that's in charge."
"Alright then, movie theatre it is," Frank said. "Come on. What time does the movie start?"
"Eight," Callie said. "I heard that no one is gonna watch it since it's some 80s movie."
"What movie is it?" Nancy asked, interested.
"Back To The Future," Iola answered. "I think they're playing the trilogy. Like tonight it's the first part, tomorrow it's Back To The Future II, then on Sunday it's Back To The Future III."
"Awesome!" Nancy exclaimed. "Come on, then!"
They went to the snack bar and bought a ton of goodies before heading off to the theatre room near the main room.
"Alright, we are actually the only ones here," Ned said, looking around at the room. "So we have it all to ourselves."
"Sweet," Joe said with a grin.
But just then, three other people came in. They groaned when they heard someone else enter the room. They turned around to see who it was and turns out it was just their friends. It was Tony, Phil and Biff.
"Oh wait never mind it's only our guys," Frank said with a grin. "Come on, guys. Let's watch while discussing."
The movie started and they all started discussing. Iola was the one that had to turn the projector on since she was in charge.
"Okay now that's done," Iola said. "No one can hear us from outside now."
They sat around and started discussing.
"Okay we need to make sure if he's really after you," Frank said. "But how?"
"I have an idea," Ned said. "We need to use Amanda as bait."
"What?!" Amanda exclaimed in shock.
"No no don't worry," Ned said. "I have a plan."
He started telling them of their plan.
"Alright, you sit alone in the Woodland," Ned said. "All of us will hide around there."
Woodland was the place they usually hang out. It was called Woodland because it was full of trees and has a lot of stone tables for the students to sit during their free time. This was also where Ned, Burt and Amanda were doing their assignment earlier that day.
"Yeah when you're sitting there, he would think you're just alone and maybe try to, you know, kill you or something?" Burt said, causing Amanda to panic. "No no, don't worry. We won't let that happen, don't worry. We'll capture him when he comes."
"Okay..." Amanda said. "And then what?"
"We would take him somewhere private and interrogate him," Nancy said. "For all we know, he may just have a crush on Amanda."
"I don't think so," Amanda said. "He would've already approached me if that's was the case."
"Not if the guy is really shy and introverted," Bess pointed out, crunching on some popcorn. "He might be hesitating to meet you but wants to do so. So he does from a distance."
Amanda nodded slowly.
"It is a good plan," Amanda said finally. "But you guys sure we won't fail?"
"Oh come on, we'll handle it," Biff said, cracking his knuckles. "I'm sure that guy would be no match against us. Besides, there's like so many of us."
"Right..." Joe said. "Don't worry, Amanda. We'll handle it."

Amanda sat alone on one of the tables in the Woodland. She sat with with her workbook open and a textbook open in front of her and a few more textbooks stacked next to her. She sat there, pretending to study when she wasn't. A can of cola sat next to her. She sipped it to avoid looking nervous. They all wore a Bluetooth earpiece to communicate with the others.
"Alright, remain calm," Burt said as if he was on an actual spy mission. "The target hasn't arrived yet."
Amanda hummed in reply. She didn't want to talk much to avoid alerting the stalker.
Her stomach churned as she sat there. But luckily, she was connected with the others using the Bluetooth earpiece. They all made a large conference call and she stayed connected using her earpiece. She turned her phone screen off so that it would seem like she was just listening to music and not being on call with the others.
"Any sign of him?" Amanda asked in a low voice, almost in a whisper. She hoped that the others could hear it, and thankfully they did.
"Not yet," Max replied. "You stay there, we have our eyes on you."
"Okay..." Amanda said nervously.
She continued 'studying' but in reality she was just drawing random things on her notepad to calm herself down. She heaved a sigh and continued drawing.
She panicked when she heard the sound of dry leaves crunching behind her. She didn't want to turn around.
"Is it one of you guys?" Amanda asked in a shaky voice. "Guys? Please say that it is!"
"It isn't," Dave said. "But we can see who it is."
"It's scorpion hoodie!" Bess exclaimed. "Guys, let's wallop him!"
Amanda turned around for a second and sure enough, the same guy that fell over the table in the cafeteria was walking towards her. He reached his arm out at her and started walking a little quicker.
Amanda backed away in fear. He was coming nearer and nearer but all of a sudden, all of her friends jumped out of their hiding places and grabbed him.
"What's going on?" The man asked, sounding confused.
"What's going on is you've been caught stalking my girlfriend!" Max said. "You're coming with us!"
"Let me go!" The man retorted. "I didn't do anything of the sort!"
They dragged him off to the cleaning closet nearby.
"Who are you?!" Biff threatened. "Why are you after our friend?"
"I'm not!" The man argued. "I'm here to return something that she lost!"
"What?!" Everyone said in surprise.
The man took off the backpack that he was wearing and opened it. To their surprise, he took something out and showed it to them. Amanda gasped.

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