I Just Need You

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I let out a laugh as I read through the texts Ruel is sending me about his studio session since he is literally sending an update every 5-10 minutes. It's a little confusing though since he never sends this many texts, which is saying a lot because we are always texting each other. He's also only been gone for about an hour now considering he left at 7 am and it's barely reaching 8.

As I'm heading into the kitchen of our apartment I feel my phone start to vibrate in my back pocket, I instantly pull it out to see who's calling, only to be left confused because it's Ruel, and he usually isn't allowed to make any phone calls to me during studio time since I'm a "distraction", but I just brush the concerned thoughts away, knowing he's probably just really bored with the studio session today and was able to get a break.

"Hello? You forget something here bub?" I say as soon as I answer the call, knowing there has to be a reason Nate let him make a call to me, and also because Ruel always leaves something important here. I hear silence for a couple of moments before he finally speaks up through the phone.

"No, I just uhm needed to hear you that's all. What're you up to?" He mumbles with a weird underlying tone that I just can't point out, maybe there's something that's actually off with him because the way he's been acting today isn't typical Ruel behavior.

"Ruel you just saw me like an hour ago when you woke me up to lock the door and whatnot, are you okay?" I hesitantly ask him since I know he struggles with talking about how he feels on the spot, especially in front of other people, whomst I know are sitting in the studio listening in. I also don't want to push him and make him uncomfortable if I'm actually just looking into things too much.

"Yeah I'm all good, just recording like usual. I'll try to come home early today, not feeling the studio session today I guess." He says, it throws me off because lord knows that this boy is in love with music, even when the sessions can become a little tedious for him, but today was supposed to be the day he actually gets to record and be one step closer to releasing something for his fans, which I swore he was excited about a couple days ago.

"Of course baby, just take care of everything you need to, and I'll be right here waiting for you when you get back, okay?" I tell him trying to reassure his nerves and to hopefully help him get out of the little mood he's seemed to have got himself in, he's probably just anxious about whether the fans will like the track or not.

"Okay, I have to go now so I can record some more. I-I love you" he mutters through the receiver with a little hitch in his voice causing me to tense up at the sound of his uneasy breathing, making me more concerned than I was seconds ago.

"I love you too, you're gonna kill it today, and I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. See you soon bubs, alright?" I say putting as much reassurance into my words as I can. He replies back to me and we sign off the call, leaving me perplexed because something was obviously wrong but I couldn't tell if it was nerves or just him being tired.

I decide to go and clean our room and get it all prepared for the movie day I have planned in hopes of helping him relax and calm down from whatever it is that is bothering him or stressing him out. I've got a whole pile of junk food, specifically bags of Cheetos, and then a stack of marvel movies, with all the Spider-Man movies being a large portion of the stack.

It hits about 11 am when I hear the front door getting unlocked and footsteps entering and going into the kitchen. I walk from our bedroom to the kitchen to see Ruel silently rummaging through the cabinets looking for something.

"Looking for something specific babe?" I ask from behind him, causing him to flinch not expecting me to just show up behind him. He's back a lot earlier than expected, but I decide to just ignore it and not question him about it in case it stresses him out even more. He gets over his little shock and turns to wrap his arms around me, squeezing me as close to him as possible. I hold him equally as tight, because I missed my bubs, even if it was only a couple hours.

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