Black Lives Matter.

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While this account is fun and a place where everyone can feel safe and loved, I need to speak about something that really means a lot to me. If you don't agree with what I'm about to say, what I support, and will continue supporting till the day I die, then you can peacefully unfollow me. For all of you that want to listen and hear what I have to say, I love you.

On Twitter, you will see the hashtag "Black Lives Matter" trending, because of the unlawful murder of George Floyd. A man who was murdered by a police officer, while three other police officers stood by and watched. A man who was murdered for simply living. A man who cried out that he couldn't breathe and that he was in pain, as the officer pressed his knee down on to George's throat. Slowly killing him.

This isn't anything new. I know you've all seen it before. Countless acts of police brutality, leading to the countless murders of my people. Killing my people. Killing them because they hate the colors we come in. We're all the same though. We bleed red, just like you. We breathe oxygen, just like you. We want to live, just like you. We can't live, not like you.

We are Hated. Murdered. Dehumanized. Attacked.

You know what we get in return for screaming Black Lives Matter? We get yelled at. We get told that we have to bring race into everything. That we want to be oppressed. That we're playing the victim card. That we're the problem.

Trending "All Lives Matter" to counteract us, to counteract our fight for the right to live. Our fight to stay alive. Our fight to make sure those that come after us can have a better chance than we did. Our fight to be able to go somewhere without the fear of being harmed or racially profiled. Our fight to not have to fight anymore.

Saying Black Lives Matter, is not saying yours doesn't. It's a cry for people to remember that we matter too. We matter. It's a cry for people to notice and pay attention to what's happening to our community, to the community that needs support now more than ever. A community thats needed support since this country was built, on the bodies of my people.

How many more of us have to die before people care. I can't keep watching my brothers and sisters die. Die a death that could have been prevented. Prevented if people actually started to care about us. You can retweet a tweet, or use a hashtag to "say their name", but what are you actually doing to help us? You need to help us fight to live, not just fight for us on social media. While social media can spread light and educate, you need to help us in real life too.

I am biracial and I am light skinned. So I will never experience the true pain and discrimination some of my people are facing, but that doesn't mean I don't see the way it hurts them and my other family members. It doesn't mean I am not personally affected by this. It just means I need to fight harder for my people that don't have the same appearance as I do, to fight for those that don't get the chance to fight. Please fight with us. Fight so that we can stop living in fear. So we can stop seeing another fucking name trending on the internet. Another name to remember.

Please educate yourselves and learn that just because someone doesn't look the same as you, doesn't mean they're automatically lower than you, we all bleed red. Please help bring change to this world that we live in.

Read up and learn how you can help us fight for freedom and equality, because there's always something that can be done. Thank you.

"Screaming 'All Lives Matter' is a protest, to my protest, what kind of shit is that?" -Joyner Lucas.

All Lives Won't Matter, Until Our Lives Matter.

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