Part 1

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"Have a good first day!!!" My dad drives off trying not to be late for work. I swear my dad can be Satan when he's about to miss work. I guess it's part of his OCD. I approach the large high school sighing.
"Ugh!" I mumble to myself heading towards the main office.
"Ah you must be Ms. Walter. Am I right?" The older women looks at me through her glasses and I nod. "Great! Principle Bergain will see you then." She points toward a glass textured door and I push it open.
"Ah, you must be April Walter." He greets with open arms. He extends his hand and I shake it gingerly. "Welcome to Middleton High." He hands me a pice of paper with a chart on it. "This is your schedule." He explains. I nod and he explains it even though I can already tell what it says. I'm in Honors 2 I think I can handle a stupid chart schedule. While he rambles on I think about my life back home, in New York. How much I miss mom. Mom. The word singes into my brain. When I was young my parents broke up, got divorced. My dad moved across the country to Washington for a stupid job opportunity. I stayed with my mom in New York. I always liked mom better than dad but dad was always more fun. I mentally sigh as he finishes.
"Oh and you will have a tour guide the first week." This time I mentally groan. A TOUR GUIDE?!?!? SOCIALIZING?!?!? Shit.

A boy walks in. Shit. Of course it's a boy. His blondish hair quiffs up slightly. He beams me a bright smile and his brown eyes radiate kindness and joy.
"Hello!" He greets excitedly, "I'm Jerome. Nice to meet ya." He holds out his hands and I shake it.
"April." I say as we let go.
"Can I see your schedule?" I hand him the sheet of paper. "Oh cool! We have all the same classes today!"
"Follow me." We then leave the principle's office.

I had to upload a part like seriously I've been loving writing this and I hope you guys love this fanfic as much as I do :) sorry it doesn't actually mention Mitch but it will so I promise :) tbh I don't know why I choose Washington or New York so um ya...

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