Part 8

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I flow with the river of students trying to get home and I walk.
"Need a ride?" A familiar car pulls up with Jerome unrolling the window. I nod climbing in the back next to Preston. He gives a small smile and I return.

"Thanks for the ride." I slam the door shut behind me and run up to my house grabbing the spare and unlocking it. My dad is probably still at work so I have the house to myself for now at least. I grab out a cup of yogurt and eat it up before starting on homework. I turn on the tv, plop on our couch my homework. I'm done within 20 minutes and I just watch tv. Nothing good is on just stupid reality shows and the news. I grunt turning off the tv. I decide to text one of my friends. Wow.. Haven't completely been able to say that before. I'm not really the friendly type but they saw my 'good person that's not a smart ass 24/7 side. To be honest I never knew it existed.

"How was school?" My father asks reading the paper with his untouched howl of spaghetti on the table.
"Fine." I twirl my fork supporting my head with one of my hands. "I guess." I mumble hoping he didn't hear. He doesn't ask so I suspect he didn't. Phew.
"Listen...." He puts down the newspaper and looks at me straight in the eyes. Shit. "I've meet this girl.. Her name is Heather and she seems really nice. We've been going out. Do you mind?" I sit frozen processing his words. Girl? Going? Out?
"DO I MIND?!?" I scream excitedly. "NO OF COURSE NOT DAD IM SO HAPPY!" I lower my voice. "I'm really happy for you." I smile grabbing his hand.
"She's coming over tomorrow with her nephew. Apparently you two are the same age."
"Cool!" I hug my dad tightly smiling like crazy. "I'm happy for you dad!" I head up the stairs and get ready for bed.

Two months later

"Need a ride?"
"When don't I?" I hop in the back next to Preston. He's been acting weird around me for awhile. I never knew why I just knew he has.

"Hey I moved up a level in Literature. We're on the same level now." Preston mentions smiling.
"Oh my God! That's great Preston!" I give him a hug receiving a weird look from Jerome and Rob.
"What?" I ask pulling away talking about their strange looks. "Does my hair look bad? I mean I really don't care but does it?" I ask.

"Come on guys!" Preston argues them still giving weird looks and quietly snickering.
"I think Preston wants to ask you something..." Rob says wiggling his eyebrows.
"Preston? Is something wrong." I ask looking over at him. His hands cover his face his cheeks from what I could see are bright red.
"No. But I wanted to ask.... Would you like to go out sometime?" He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly smiling.
"Of course!" I give him a huge hug him smiling and hugging back. He gives a small sigh of relief and we break our hug but still hold hands, his are really warm.

Bler I have no idea where I'm going with this but I'm hoping to make it like maybe 30 parts? Maybe? Idk yet just um ya... OHMERGAWD 50 READS YAYAYA!!!!

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