Part 13

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After awhile I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth then change clothes. If mom were here she'd know what to do. I shrug it off trying not to get too caught up about mom. I lay on my bed groaning and falling asleep after awhile.

I wake up and go to school. I sigh as Preston walks up to me slinging his arm around my shoulder.
"Morning beautiful." He compliments me blushing slightly.
"Morning dream boy." I compliment back as we walk to Literature together. News had spread through the school that we were dating. It was fine with us because we were.
I walk into the science class. Shit. The project is due today and Mitch and I did nothing. I mentally panic. Maybe I could ditch? No. That would be bad. I couldn't do that. Could I? Before I know it I'm greeted by the teacher. Shit. I quickly wave my hand and sit in my seat. I cross my arms and lay my head down. Ugh. There goes my A in science. How could I make a model of and atom in a minute. I couldn't. Mitch walks over to me putting hand on my desk.

"Hey Princess." He greets. I don't see him because I'm too stressed to look up.
"What do you want Mitch?" I ask tone lacing my voice.
"Look up and I'll show you." I look up seeing a model of an atom in his hand. A really good one in fact.
"You did it? By yourself?" I ask he nods. To be honest I wanted to kiss him but I knew I couldn't. That would be wrong plus Preston is in my class. "Oh my God Mitch!" I hug him. I mean friends can hug right? We would be friends I guess. Preston should understand he hugs Ashley like every day. I sigh as the bell rings and we turn in our project.

I walk out of the classroom and put all my books up. I walk toward the front of the school being pulled aside.
"Hey princess." Mitch starts kissing me. I probably should've stopped him but I didn't I gave in to his lips. Best and worst decision of my life.

"April?" I hear Preston's hurt voice. I pull away seeing him tears pooling in his eyes.
"Presto-" he runs away as fast as he can. I glare at Mitch before chasing after him.
Hi :P

~ (I like to switch things up)

Continue with the story ya little plebs :P but you guys are my plebs
Preston's POV
I saw it. I saw it all. She didn't pull away at all I was there the entire time. My heart broke seeing her do that. Why'd she do that anyway? She calls out my name but I keep running until her voice stops. I look behind her seeing just regular houses and no human being. I lean against the nearest wall which happens to be the side of a house and start sobbing. I slide my back down against the wall thinking of what I could've done wrong. I hear a door open and closing. Probably some old person telling me to get off their lawns.

"Excuse me?" I hear a girls voice speak. I take my face out of my hands. "Are you okay?" Long, brown curly hair falls from her head. Blue sterling eyes stand out from her soft glowing features. She is definitely pretty. I slightly shake my head.

"Sorry." I explain wiping my nose. "I just went through a break up."
"Oh." She sits down next to me. "I went through that yesterday. Who dumped who?" She asks sympathy in her voice.

"Well..." I start off my voice cracking. "I saw her kissing another guy. He kind of forced her into it but she didn't pull away. She kind of actually kissed him back."
"Oh.." She begins playing with the grass beneath her. "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm Sara by the way." She reaches her hand out for me to shake it.
"Preston." I shake her hand using my clean hand not the one I just wiped my nose with.

You guys sure would be pissed if I ended this story abruptly..... MUHAHAHA nah I wouldn't do that you you guys :P PARA!!!!!!!

Did you like my whole dash thing? Lol XD

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