Part 20

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"Come on Mitchypoo! We have to do it some time or another!" Jerome whines in front of me completely naked. I was on the bed still completely clothed. I had been bullied because people thought I was worthless. I didn't want to be treated like that anymore. I decided to stereotype myself and become a "bad boy." It was much easier than I thought. Wear black, get piercings and tattoos, date a girl for one day and dump her let rumors spread that you had sex with her the night before. But the ing was I was really dating someone. Jerome. Yes I'm bio sexual. He reaches for the buckles on my pants. My hands tremble and I stop him.
"Jer- Jerome I- I can't." I stumble. "I can't do this now." I swat his hand away. His face slightly hardens. "I- I have to go." I grab my jacket and run out the door. I ignored Jerome after that. I guess we broke up it was never official. Jerome started telling everyone that I'm bi by saying I tried to get into his pants even though it's the complete opposite. I was pissed so I "dated" about five more girls and those rumors covered the bi rumor or whatever it was since it was true.

I told her. Everything. Tears flooded my vision but I held them back. Her face remained expressionless as I told her everything. I let everything pour out. My secrets. Everything. I was at her mercy right now. I finish. I guess she could tell I was stressed so she hugged me tighter.
"We should take a shower." She whisper kissing me. I nod and we take a shower together washing the smell of grime off our bodies. We change back into our clothes and wash the sheets.
"I love you." I smile at her as we cuddle on the couch.
"I love you too." She kisses me caressing my cheek.

April's POV
Mitch and I entered the school hand in hand people swarming around us.
"What the fuck guys? Back up!" I scream at them.
"Mitch since when were you rich?" A girl asks smiling widely.
"What? I'm not rich!" He lies he glares at me but I shake my head.
"I didn't tell them!" I say in a hushed tone hoping no one heard.
"You're the only one that knows."
"What about Jerome?" I ask him. His mouth gapes open and he grabs my wrist running.
"Aceti!" Mitch screams walking up to Jerome.
"What?" Jerome spits out immediately.
"You vowed you wouldn't tell them and I vowed I wouldn't tell them you're little secret." Mitch snarls.
"I didn't tell them!" He protests.
"Ashley! She told us!" I hear one person in the crowd say.
"It was Ashley." I whisper to him. His face hardens and we run off again. "Why is it always Ashley?!" I storm off searching for that bitch. I find her chatting and laughing with a bunch of friends in the cafeteria.

Mitch was bullied because he was a nerd (hinted when he finished the atom model by himself) he didn't want to be a nerd so he "dated" girls. It was wrong but he wanted to stop the bullying and start fresh. He then met Jerome and fell in love. Jerome got kinky and wanted to have sex but Mitch wasn't ready so he ran off and never talked to Jerome again. Jerome got mad and that's why there's salt between them. Jerome isn't mad at Mitch because he wasn't ready he's mad because Mitch wouldn't talk to him so he told everyone he was bi and that he tried to get Jerome to have sex with him and everyone started to bully Mitch again. Mitch started "dating" other girls and rumors spread he had sex with them even though he didn't. One of those girls was Ashley and Ashley is jealous of April and that's why she started the rumor. It's more explained in the next chapter don't worry

IM ALMOST AT 1000 READS OMG!!! I'm also really happy because I reached my goals on my other books OMG IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYA

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