Part 11

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"Heather?" I hear a husky voice call from the other hallway. "Heather? Do you know where the- oh hey princess. Fancy meeting you here." Mitch winks at me. I shoot my dad a pleading look he just stares.
"Oh so you do know each other!" Heather smiles.

"Ya you could say that." Mitch has his signature cocky smile on his face me siting with my mouth open.
"Well, Heather and I are going to eat out. Feel free to order a pizza there's some money on the counter. Love you princess." My dad smirks at me leading his girlfriend out. I shoot him a glare, he must've seen my pleading look. I groan as the door shuts behind him.

"So..." Mitch walks over to me slinging his arm around my shoulder. "How you going princess." He smacks his tongue on the roof of his mouth making a clicking sound.
"Fine." I retort, annoyed. "How's Miley?" I shrug his arm off my shoulder.

"Eh. I broke up with her. She was too.... rebellious. I like my girls sweet and innocent." He licks his lips staring straight at me.
"Yeah well good for you. Want some water?" I pour myself a glass of water and him one.
"Thanks. I say we order a pizza." He picks up the money and starts dialing into the phone. The phone rings before someone finally answers.

"What do you want?" He mouths.
"Pepperoni." I mouth back receiving a thumbs up from him.
"I'll have a pepperoni large pizza." He says. After awhile he ends the call.
"A large?" I tease taking a drink from my glass jumping up on the counter so that I'm sitting on it.

"Hey. A man has to have his pizza." He shrugs his shoulder receiving a slight giggle from me.
"You know Hughes, you aren't such an asshole when you aren't so kinky." I nudge his shoulders receiving a smile from him.

"I'm only not an asshole when I around you." My heart stops. Wait what? Did he just use a pick up line on me? Or... well not really a pick up line but is he trying to get to me.
"I'm taken you know." I remind him incase he forgot. He bites his under lip looking up at me. I'm not much taller than him, but I am... barely thanks to the counter.

"Things change." He smirks having that same seductive smile grabbing my thighs.
"And there you go again being your kinky self." I jump down and head towards the bathroom turning the shower on. I wash through my messy hair sighing. Ugh. Under all that bad boy stupidness he's actually a pretty okay guy. Too bad I'm dating Preston, I'd totally go for him. Shit. Did I just think that? Oh my God! I groan loudly.

"You okay in there princess?" I hear from the other side of the door. I nod biting my lips before I realize he can't see me. That's a definite good thing... for now.
"Ya just...." I trail off realizing I never thought of a finishing. "I'm fine." I say quickly before turning off the shower and drying my wet body off. I change into my pajamas and walk out seeing Mitch chow down on a piece of pizza.

Did I seriously hit 175?!?!??! Ohmergawd you guys are so awesome!!!!! I love you guys so much it like not funny how much I love you guys!!!!!! <3

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