Part Cuatro

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"Hey!" Another boy I don't recognize comes up to us. "Leave her alone." His dark brown hair flows across his forehead, his brown eyes stern. His cheeks looks so squishable it takes away from his intimidation factor. 3 other boys appear behind him then Jerome runs up.

"Fine doods. Whatever." He let's go of my wrist. "Just be careful sweetheart." He whispers in my ear before strolling away.
"April? You okay?" Jerome asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah fine." I say reassuringly. We head towards the table I meant to sit at.
"This is Preston." Jerome explains pointing towards the one with dark brown hair. "That's Rob. We mainly call him Woof sometimes." He points to one of the other boys. His brown curly hair stays on top of his head. He smiles goofly with a slight beard growing out. His brown eyes show eagerness and humor.

"That's Lachlan." He points to a blonde headed boy. His hair is more quiffed than Mitch or Jerome and his blue eyes sparkle dramatically.
"Vikk." He points to a caramel skinned boy with black hair. It flows outward but not on his forehead. His brown eyes match his complexion and his smile stands out.

"Last but not least, my girlfriend Ashley." He puts his arm around a girl's shoulder. They give a small kiss. Her blue hair poofs up dramatically. Her chocolate brown eyes sparkle, she's pretty.
"I'm April." I say shyly crossing my hands.

"Okay final class is.... Geometry." Jerome races off before I can point out mine is History. I sigh and flow with the crowd of students.
"Hey!" Preston catches up and walks next to me. "So what's your next class?" He asks.
"History." I respond.

"Cool! Same!" I smile as we enter the class.
"Oh! You must be Ms. Walter. I'm Mrs. Helens it's great to meet you. Unfortunately we only have one empty seat back there though."

"Oh it's fine." I reassure her. I walk towards the seat she pointed at and set my books down. The bell rings and a sea of students flow into the class room. I sit picking at my nails.

"Hey there princess." Someone sits down at the desk next to me. I ignore Mitch as the teacher starts.

I'm okay with Jashley? Idk what their ship name is but I mean Merome I really don't care as long as their happy with who their with I need to catch up on this bleh

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