Part 10

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I can't get that feeling on him kissing my neck out of my head. It was so good but my mind said it was wrong,which it was. I grab a sandwich and water before walking up to the cash register. I hand her five dollars before she shakes her head.
"That gentleman over there paid for you." She points at Preston who has his back turned to us.
"Oh okay." I wet my lips before giving her the money. "Can you keep this until tomorrow? I want to pay for his." The lady gives me a slight smile and nods. "Thanks." I walk over to our table and sit next to Preston him giving me a bright smile. I try giving one to him back, I have a horrible smile in my opinion at least. I sigh taking a bite of my sandwich.

The bell rings loudly as everyone starts filing out the classroom. I put all my books in my locker and reach the iron grates. Why iron? Are they trying to make this stupid place seem more like a prison? A familiar truck pulls up.

"Hey! April I need to talk to you." I opens the door and step in sitting next to Jerome. No one else is in the car, it's just me and him. He pulls out of the parking lot forcefully. He has a stern look on his face, like he's annoyed. He pulls out onto a highway almost running straight into a car then cussing it out madly.
"Okay dude calm down!" I cross my arms over my chest. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you?"

"Just forget it okay?" He scruffs.
"I can't really forget about it when you're being a complete imprudent idiot!" I practically start screaming at him.
"Okay...." He begins as everyone starts moving forward. "I saw you making out with Mitch. I'm not telling Preston... yet but why the fuck would you do that." I feel a slight crack in my heart. I was sure no one saw me. I looked around as I headed towards the cafeteria! How does he know about it?!

"He forced me, number one." I start. "And why... how did you see us? I was like ten minutes late for lunch." I was expecting him to say he was late too but he just stays quiet. Was he watching us?
"Listen April...." He stops at a red light and looks over at me with stern eyes. Please tell me he doesn't have a crush on me. If he does I swear I'm going to combust. "I just don't like Mitch. He's very.... sketchy. Just... be careful around him and just watch your back. He's pretty unpredictable." He starts driving once the light turns green again. Why does he care about Mitch so much? Did something happen between them? I give a slight sigh thinking of all the possibilities, but one sticks out.
"We're you guys past friends?" I ask. He slightly shakes his head. I know he wouldn't lie like that. He seems so certain that they weren't friends. Have they always been enemies? I wonder...

The rest of the car ride is silent.
"Thanks Jerome." I say closing the car shut. He waves and drives off as I get out my keys.
"Hey dad." I close the door behind me.

"Hello." He looks up at me for a second before looking back down at his newspaper.
"Jim? Who is it?" I heard a random voice from where seems like the shower shout.
"It's only April, darling." He shouts back. A women comes in giving me a warm smile. Her dark brunette hair is pulled aside in a braid. Her blue eyes sparkle bringing out her soft pink lips.

"Hello." She holds out her hand and I slightly shake it. "I'm Heather."
"April." I smile back.
"I hope you don't mind. I brought my nephew along. His parents are out of town and they wanted me to look after him. Apparently you guys go to the same school and are in the same grade, I thought you guys might now him." I nod slightly.
"Where is he?" I ask a nervous lump forming in my throat about who it could be.

Oh a small cliffhanger :P it's pretty obvious who he is though I mean um... ya plus there's something up between Mitch and Jerome so watch out for that in up coming parts

Bad Boys (bajancandian)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon