Part 16

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"All of you." He shouts above the crowd. "To the principle's office!" He points at the 6 of us then I realize. Preston isn't here. I hope it wasn't because of last night I wouldn't be able to bear with myself if it was. We trudge toward the main office. The secretary calls us in one by one starting with Jerome then Mitch than me. I walk into the office with the principle rubbing the bridge of her nose.
"Ms. Walter." She starts. "Tell me your side of this whole story." I tell her what I saw.

After sitting in the office we are called back in. Rob, Vikk, and Lachlan were excused because we all said they were just trying to help. I don't get why I was here though. I didn't throw a punch Jerome confronted me, that's it.
"Mr. Aceti and Mr. Hughes. You both understand you two had a physical fight. Right?"
They both Jerome biting his bottom lip. "Good. You two must attend after school detention for the rest of this week." They both give a loud groan. "Ms. Water, you must attend detention today and tomorrow."

"What?!" I practically scream. I try to keep my voice steady but anger rushes through my veins. "I did nothing! Jerome confronted me! I told you this." I defend myself.
"You and Mitchell have said that but Mr. Aceti said otherwise and I e heard people saying you 'did the dirty' so I can see if he's trying to defend you. My decision is final." I give a loud groan. There goes my permanent record.
I sigh entering the classroom detention is held in. I sit in a seat towards the back and set my bag down. On the board the rules are written down. Basic ones, no talking, no anything really just sit and stare at nothing. I try and focus on my thoughts and not the other two boys next to me. It last 2 and a half hours and so far one minute has passed and I'm already bored out of my mind. The teacher glares at us then leaves the room.
"Look it's the princess's first detention." Jerome mocks trying to intimate Mitch's voice but fails miserably.
"Shut up Aceti." Mitch growls.

"Make me, Hughes." He spits toward the taller boy. Mitch gets up and walks over to Jerome anger in his eyes. I quickly push him back stopping him from making another step.

"He's not worth it." I whisper his eyes show anger, then confusion, then nothingness.
"Oh look Hughes is chickening out. AGAIN." Jerome crosses his arms over his chest. "Good luck with that son of a bitch honey." He scoffs at me. "You ain't getting no where with him." Jerome gives a small laugh before the teacher turns the doorknob. We scramble to our seats and make it look like we never moved. I ponder Jerome's words. What could he mean?

I walk out of the school building finally but only to be stopped by Mitch. His eyes flash with eagerness.
"Hey can I come over to your house? I need to talk to you about something." I hesitate then nod. He drives to my house and parks in the drive way. I unlock the door and we sit on the couch.
"What is it?" I ask after awhile. I didn't want to rush him.

"I've been thinking. About a lot of stuff but mainly a question. I've thought you were pretty since the first time I laid eyes on you. I wanted you to be mine then I guess we kind of understood each other. What I'm trying to say is that my feelings for you have only grown and will you be my girlfriend?"

My heart thumps loudly my eyes focusing in his. My breathing stops trying to gather all my thoughts. My heart and mind races and my body fills with unnameable emotions. I try to say something but all that comes out are weird sounds.
"Mitch...." I hesitate.


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