Part 7

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"I'm done!" Rob announces.
"Dang Rob. That's good." Lachlan comments.
"Thanks! So is your's." I look at both of their paintings. They are really good.
"Wow." I say awed. "Those are really good!" I made sure to hide mine. It's horrible.
"Come on! Let us see yours!" Lachlan whines.

"No. It's horrible."
"It's can't be too bad." Rob says.
"Ugh!" I move away them admiring the painted unicorn.
"Oh my God! Mate that is really good!" Lachlan compliments.

"How could you say this is bad!"
"I'm not good at art." I shrug.
"If you consider yourself bad at art then you're wrong." Lachlan argues receiving a nod from Rob.

"Whatever." I says slightly blushing. Am I really good at art? I never thought I was. I drain out a heavier sigh as the bell rings. I head for my last period (luckily) and I set my books down. I'm the first one here like always not even the teacher's in here. Geez teacher. I sigh grabbing a spare notebook from my backpack and start drawing something testing my skills. Was I good at art? I could start doing that maybe.

What else could I be good at? The bell rang and everyone flooded in as usual. Jerome say next to me setting down his books.
"Hey." He greets setting his textbook on his desk.

"Hi." There's a long awkward silence between us because the teacher still hasn't come in. I sigh many thoughts flowing in and out of my head. The teacher finally comes in and hands us all a worksheet looking pissed as possible.

I start on the worksheet immediately remembering him crossing out my last name and putting his. Him. His delicate handwriting that wrote out Hughes. I finish quickly and hand it to my teacher. He takes it and scans over it briefly.

"Ms. Walter, I'm pretty sure your last name isn't Hughes." He says handing me back the paper. I mentally facepalm crossing out his name and writing mine. I must've been so deep in thought I wrote his last name instead of mine. Ugh. I turn it back in and go to the restroom.

I lock the door behind me in the stall and slide down landing on my butt. I actually facepalm this time. How could this of happened to me?!

I'm not supposed to focus on guys. I groan to myself the sound echoing through. Luckily no one else is in here that I know of.

Tears form in the corners of my eyes but I won't let them escape. I wipe the and splash cold water on my face trying to get the hotness out of my cheeks. I then head back towards the class room.

Okay I'm alternating days just btw 😂 ugh poor April ;-; unicorn ain't mine

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