Part 6

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"Hello!" Preston smiles at me as I sit next to him in English.
"Hi." I smile at him.

"Hello." Rob greets behind me. I wave awkwardly as the teacher walks in.
"Hello class! I am Mr. White, for our new student." He points at me smiling.

Immediately everyone stares at me and I look down trying not to draw attention to myself. I pay attention in class yet at the same time I don't.


I move along the lunch line grabbing a ham sandwich.
"Hey there." Preston slides up against me giving a word eyebrow wiggle.

"Hello." I say laughing. I reach the cash register and aim about to hand the lady the lunch money before Preston beats me to it.

"I'm paying for her lunch." He says.
"No you're no-"

"Nope." He holds his finger up to my lips. "I'm paying." He laughs lowering his finger.
"Well then... Thanks." I smile him returning it as we head towards our table.


I open my locker and stuff all my books into it. I haven't seen Mitch all day luckily.... I guess. I close my lockers expecting to feel his cold rough hands grab my stomach or hear his deep raspy voice whisper in my ear sending vibrations through me but I don't.

I'm relived yet that cocky smile of his made me smile. Ugh! Why am I feeling like this right now. I shouldn't miss him! He's just a distraction from my classes even though they couldn't get easier. I force him out of my head and head for my next class, art.

I hate art. I'm not creative at all and I can't draw a perfect circle to save my life. I walk as slow as I possibly can on my way to the art room.

"Class, today paint a picture of something you think is beautiful." I teacher explains. I sit next to Rob and Lachlan as I sigh staring at my blank canvas trying to come up with something. I was thinking flowers but it's so cliché.

Maybe food but it seems weird.

"What are you painting?" Rob asks starting to mix his colors. I shrug.
"I don't know. I was thinking flowers but that's kind of cliché."

"I was thinking of painting a winter scene." Lachlan explains starting to mix white and other colors. "Ooh, and a snowman." He smiles at his blank canvas probably imagining his picture in his small little 5-year-old brain of his.

"Cool." Rob says. "I'm painting the starry sky." I playfully roll my eyes and try to start coming up with something. I try thinking of synonyms to beautiful.

Pretty, cute, hot, handsome, Mitch Hughes. Wait what? Never mind.

"Ugh!" I slump my shoulders. "I have no idea what to paint!" I complain.
"Um paint an animal." Lachlan suggests.

"Ya like a butterfly, or a pony!" Rob adds. I swear their both 5-year-olds at heart, but that's what makes them, them. I like them.

"I'm drawing a unicorn." I finally say starting to paint it.

Hola I'm bored hopefully stuff ya idk bye

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