Part 14

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So I'm going to sop updating daily for now at least because I'm behind on writing and I'm trying to get another preference out (another book of mine) and stuff but I wanted to get another part out because you guys apparently love this book I'm not sure why the writing sucks 😂 but um ya continue with mwa story :P hope ya enjoy you little plebs (whenever I call you guys plebs it's because I love you all don't take it in a mean way because I love you all so much and you guys don't deserve to get hurt <3)

April's POV

I eventually stop chasing after him. It's no use he probably wouldn't even talk to me if I caught up to him. I sigh and start crying. I didn't mean to hurt him. I wish I could just turn back time and pull away from the kiss. A bubble of guilt builds up in my stomach. I feel a hand grab my shoulder and turn around seeing Mitch. Anger boils in side of me and I start yelling. "If you didn't kiss me none of this would've happened and I wouldn't feel this way!" I spat tears streaming from my eyes.

"If you just walked away you wouldn't have brought it upon yourself!" He screamed back.
"How am I supposed to always run away from you when all I want is to be with you!" The emotions just rise in me and I just want to run away from everything. From this world but my feet are glued to the floor as I stare at his stern brown eyes. His face turns soft and he embraces me.

"I'm sorry." I admit. He rests his head in top of mine.
"It's okay princess." He jokes stroking my hair. "I want to take you to my house." I wipe my eyes and nod.
I sit on the steps of the school building waiting for Mitch. He said he was getting his car and left five minutes ago. He's probably ditching me. I don't blame him I'm a horrible human being. I sigh and get up walking toward my house. He probably left. He probably doesn't even care about me. My house isn't too far away.... I don't think at least. It hits me that I never have walked to or from school so I have no idea where to walk. I grunt and call dad maybe he can pick me up.

"Hey look it's the new girl." I hear a voice say and a deep laugh. I whip around seeing two guys in the school basketball jerseys. They're tall like really tall. (Not as tall as Lachlan tho :P)

"Who are you guys?" I put all my confidence into my voice but at this point there's barely any. "I'm pretty sure skyscrapers belong in cities not the suburbs." I mentally pat myself on the back at the quick comeback. One of them snarls at me his face red with anger.

"Hey Princess!" I hear a car stop behind me. "Better get in unless you want to get pummeled." He opens the door and I climb in. I tauntingly wave bye to them before fully driving off and giving them the finger and Mitch just laughs. I give a small sigh of relief.

"Thanks for saving me back there."
"I'm not trying to be pushy or anything, but why didn't you just wait?" I shrug my shoulders playing with my thumbs.
"You were gone for awhile and I thought you left me." I let out a sigh and he grips one of my hands with his.

"I'd never do that." I slightly nod, the rest of the drive is silent. I didn't notice it but the car is really nice, like REALLY nice. It's like one of those town cars. I run my hand across the smooth leather of my seat. Nice. He pulls into The drive and turns off the car. I get off stunned. It's a pretty huge house. (Note sarcasm) I mean it's HUGE, super huge I think it's a mansion.

"Wow." I mutter under my breath closing the car door.
"Ya my family is rich, I've never told anyone." He opens the door. "I always thought people would judge me if they knew how rich my family was I guess. Please don't tell anyone." I nod and we enter. Basically it was beautiful. Like super beautiful. He leads me up the stairs to his bed room. It's a rather small bedroom compared to the rest of the rooms but it's nice. I like it. He has a set up of a computer and a mic in the corner and a large bed on the other half of the room. A small widow separates the two sides of the room and a fairly large closet next to the bed. A door leads out to a connected, private bathroom.

"You can set your bag anywhere." He says so I do.
"Nice computers." I point over towards the monitors.
"Thanks. I do a little Youtube. After high school I'm going to do it full-time. I got some pretty good fans." He smiles. Posters hang on the walls of various bands and other celebrities. "You like it?" He asks. I nod trying to sound as mellow as possible. Of course I love it! It's beautiful! But I don't want to be like that.

"What's your channel name?" I ask walking over to the computers. YouTube has always interested me but I've never gotten the courage to get one. I'd probably be really stupid on camera and always mumble and get no subscribers.
"TheBajanCanadian. I'm pretty popular I guess." He jokes his hands in his Jean pockets. I look up the username on my phone.
"Oh my God! Dude you have 100,000 subscribers that's pretty huge!"
"I guess." He blushes.

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