Part 12

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"You could of told me it came! I would've gotten out a lot faster!" I argue nudging his shoulder. I put a piece on my plate and sit on the couch next to him.
"Eww, your dad watches Wheel of Fortune?" Mitch says flipping the channels.

"No wait go back!" I press the last button turning back to the Wheel of Fortune. "Wine barrel of monkeys!" I slightly cheer within myself. "Okay you can go back." He gives me a surprising stare.
"There was barely any letters up?! How'd you do that?" He asks flabbergasted.
"When your dad watches it every day, you'll understand." He slightly laughs before taking another bite.

It was 9:30 and my dad said they'd be home by ten. At this point we just started firing random question at each other.
"Favorite food?" I ask quickly.

"Mashed potatoes." He responds me giving a slight smile.
"Favorite color?"
"Middle name?"
"I have two. Donald and Ralph." I let out a little laugh. "What?" He asks playfully.
"Nothing." I squeak.

"What's your middle name?" He asks me arching his right eyebrow.
"Scarlet." I answer. I always wanted a different middle name, Scarlet never suited me well.
"April Scarlet Walter. Has a nice ring to it." He jokes. I punch him in the arm.
"What about you, Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes?" He has a small smile on his face.
"Okay my turn." He cheers childishly.

"Um green or blue?"
"White or black?"
"Pink or purple?"
"Brown or grey?"

"What's with all these color questions?" I ask half laughing.
"Okay fine I'll ask something else." He thinks for a second before asking another question. "Ticklish or nah?"
"Very." I answer immediately regretting it.

He starts tickling me everywhere, my hysterically laughing out of breathe quickly.
"Stop!" I plead I between giggles.
"Does the princess want me to stop?" He jokes continuing to tickle my stomach.

After awhile he stops me out of breath.
"I fucking hate you." I say pushing on him playfully he just laughs. After awhile my dad and a Heather comes home.

"See ya later princess." Mitch kisses my cheek and leaves. Electric currents travel through my body making me blush as he leaves with his Aunt in front of him.
"So you and him?" My dad asks wiggling his eyebrows. My face flushes.
"No...." I scratch my arm trying to be as casual as possible. I'm probably not. "He's not my type. Besides a guy asked me out today." He raises his eyebrows.

"Who is this guy?" He asks. I blush slightly crossing my hands.
"His name is Preston. He's in my grade..." I start telling him about Preston every comment I say just making me feel guilty about being with Mitch. We aren't dating, me and Mitch, but I just.... I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to.

You guys seem to like this fanfic lol :P I thought I'd give you guys a part idk

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