Part five

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I eventually zone out already into knowing what she's teaching.
"So how's my princess going?" Mitch asks me. I ignore him again trying to block his seductive deep voice out of my head.

"Oh come on." He whines. "Is my princess not going to talk to me?"
"Okay. I'm not your princess." I turn towards him. I hate it when he says I'm his yet at the same time I love it.

"See I already know you. You hate it when I say you're mine but you can't get enough of it. So princess how you doin?" He wets his bottom lip seductively.

Oh heck anything he does, he's doing it seductively.

"First off, I'm not a princess. Nothing close to a princess. Second how's the rebel doing." He gives a small 'ha' before turning back towards the board and away from me.

I fill out the worksheet in 5 minutes and I just sit there thinking about the rest of school. I would've gone to a better school but we're too poor for the tuition. I look out of the corner of my eye and see Mitch looking at my paper.

"Hey! No cheating." I slide my paper in my desk crossing my arms.

"I saw a mistake on it." He explains.

"What mistake?" I take out my paper putting it on my desk and he examines it for a second before pointing at my name.

"Are you on drugs?"
"No. Walter should be changed to Hughes." He crosses my last name out and writes his own.

"Ya whatever." I erase it and write my own again him giving me his cocky smile.

*time skip end of day*
I walk out of the building turning my way walking home.

"Hey!" A car pulls up and the window unrolls revealing 3 boys inside.
"Hey April! Need a ride?" Jerome asks. I see Preston and Rob in the back.

"Actually I'm walking her home." I feel too large hands grab my shoulders making me jump. "Did I surprise you princess?" Mitch asks smirking.

"Sure." I say stepping into the car passenger's side of the car. "Bye Mitch!" I say tauntingly. He's annoying. But he's hot when he's annoying.

"Okay what happened between you guys?" Jerome asks sternly.
"Nothing." I reassure. "Nothing is happening between us." I hope.

*skip to the morning*

"Morning cupcake." Dad says as I grab a banana from the bowl.
"Morning dad." He looks down at the daily newspaper probably trying to do the word search. I purse my lips. "Hey dad can you give me some advice?" I ask.

Immediately I regret it when he looks at me and nods.
"Of course sweetie. Anything."
"So basically I met this guy names Jerome and he's really nice and I met his friends but I met this other guy and....." I trail off looking out the window. "You know never mind. I got my answer love you."

I kiss his cheek and head out the door before he can stop me. I slam the door quickly and give a sigh of relief.
"Hey April!" A car pulls up with the same 3 boys inside as yesterday.
"Hey guys." I get in and we drive off to school.

I grab my books for my next two classes and slam the door shut. I then notice something, Mitch is gone. Yes! A mental sigh of relief goes through me but all I picture in my mind is his cocky smirk.

"Hey princess." His warm breath energizes me body sending shivers up my spine. His hands form around my hips enclosing me in his embrace.
"Hey Mitch." I give a small smile hoping he doesn't notice.

"See you're smiling. You must like me." He slightly kisses my neck.
"It was a friendly smile." I point out still smiling. He gives a small laugh still kissing my neck softly. Then the bell rings and students flood the halls.

"See you later princess." He merges with the crowd and I lose sight of the tattooed, multi-pierced boy.

Okay so basically, if you haven't caught on it's okay if you haven't, April basically a smart ass and I'm hoping to start updating daily idk

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