Part 15

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Warning: lot of uses of the f bomb

"I guess I should go home." I explain grabbing my bag.
"No. Stay." He looks at me.
"Where would I sleep?"
"You can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch."
"Mitch, I couldn't ask you for that."

"Fine. We can sleep in my bed. Both of us it's big enough." I hesitate then nod. "You can borrow my sister's pajamas. She's at collage we can just wash them." He suggests. I just shake my head.

"I couldn't do that." I explain. He hands me a white t-shirt.
"At least wear one of my shirts." I was wearing sweatpants so that was good I guess. I take the shirt out of his hands and change in his bathroom. His shirt was big on me but it was fine. It made me feel warm and tingly inside. I smiled and take down my hair from it's ponytail climbing under his covers. His sheets were soft and fuzzy. I turn to look at him.
"Am I a bad person?" I blurt out. He shakes his head.

"No. I shouldn't of kissed you but I couldn't help myself." He sighs. "I've never found a girl I have cared for as much as I have you April. And whenever I love something they just run away." I scoot closer to him and snuggle into his body.
"I won't leave you Mitch. I promise." He slightly kisses my forehead before I fall asleep.

I walk into school everyone whispering and avoiding me. I stare at them confused how are they afraid I'm 125 pounds of pure nerd ness.
"Someone tell me what the fuck is going on." I demand from the hoard of students. A girl I don't recognize walks up to me.

"People say yesterday you broke up with Preston then went home with Mitch and fucked him." She explains everyone murmurs someone laughs.

"I didn't fuck Mitch. Were friends and I went home with him and there was no fucking anyone." I spit and walk past the hoard of people. I walk up to my locker and push all my books in forcefully. I was pissed.

"Why did you have to go and fuck Mitch right after you broke up with Preston!" Jerome practically screams at me.
"I did not fuck him at all!" I scream back.

"Ya we didn't have sex Aceti. Get your facts straight before you accuse someone of that stuff." Mitch steps in front of me. He's taller than Jerome barely.
"I can say what I want Hughes." He pushes him back and he hits the lockers. By then a crowd forms some shouting "Fight!" He lands so his faces hits against the metal.

He turns around blood gushing from his right nostril. He wipes it away making his hand bloody and punches Jerome square in the jaw. Rob, Lachlan, Vikk, and I try to pull them a part but by then a teacher comes.

Ugh. I hate not posting one day ;-; maybe I should start another fanfic.... NOPE NVM I can not start another fanfic at least not yet....

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