Extra chapter

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I tried and tried but I just couldn't write a sequel. I'm so sorry :( I feel like I'm letting you guys down *sigh* I really am sorry though. But I came up with this and aim holding it's long enough. Welp try to enjoy I'm really sorry about the whole sequel thing I just couldn't come up with anything because half the drama was Ashley and Jerome and I couldn't find a good way to incorporate the. Or someone like them into it. DO NOT EXPECT ME TO WRITE MORE 😂 sorry but I just can't write anymore btw I wrote this at 3 am craving a Pepsi so don't expect a lot out of me XD

April never re married or found anyone else but she did move on.

Michael is happily dating a girl and is thinking about proposing

Vanessa is trying to make it through high school but soon had to transfer.

Vanessa's POV (Vanessa is 18 and Michael is 20)

I walk up the steps to my new school. I sign and walk to the front office registering and getting my schedule.
"Have a good first day sweetie." My dad whispers kissing my forehead before disappearing again. Yes. I see my dad. I've seen him ever since I can remember. My mom still partially doesn't believe but Michael does.
"I love you dad." I whisper knowing he heard me. His death traumatized mom but she pushed through and supports our small family. I realize I wasn't paying attention when someone rams into me and I fall onto the ground.
"Oh I'm so sorry here let me help you!" She extends his hand and I take it. She has blondish hair and brown eyes.
"Thanks." I flash her as thankful smile picking up my backpack.
"Are you new here?" She asks me, I nod in response.
"Oh. In that case I'm Tiffany Aceti but you can call me Tiff. You should sit with me and my friends at lunch." I nod at her offer.
"I'm Vanessa Hughes by the way." She nods and we part ways to our classes.

She walks up to me at lunch and points to a table full of some other girls and a boy. She introduces them to me. I'm so awkward around people so I try to eat my food but I feel a pair of eyes bore into my skull. I turn around and see a guy in black clothing, piercings, and tattoos looking at me as if I was his prey.
"Who's that guy?" I ask them subtly pointing to the guys staring at me.
"Him?" Tiff motions toward the guy I was talking about and I nod. "His name is Matthew Surbcome. He's the school's bad boy."
"Be careful with him." I hear my father say laughing and walking away yet again. I smile a bigger one than I should've.

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