Fun facts + surprise

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I feel I should stop updating this book... #sorrynotsorry I wish like I couldn't upload anymore poop and I needed to get some stuff out of the way leave some questions if you have any and I'll try to answer

1. I did horrible making Mitch a bad boy 😂 I think I could've done so much better making him more of a bad boy if that makes sense..

2. April's last name was originally WalterS but when I typed the first chapter I wrote Walter and I was too lazy to change it.... It's a lot sadder than when I thought it in my head...

3. I'm sorry I made Ashley and Jerome kind of the bad characters it just kind of ended up that way.... I really am sorry though 😁

4. I have no idea what's up with the sequel I mean I could write it I guess...

Oh ya! One more thing....
So this explains a but part that is mentioned in the epilogue and this happens before the epilogue...

Warning: FEELS ARE TAMPERED WITH... don't try this at home kids

Third person POV
"Ahh! She's coming!" April screamed the pain from the baby girl inside of her shooting up her spine.

"Don't worry babe. We'll get you to the hospital before she comes." Mitch helps his wife into the car and pulls out of the driveway. "Want some music to help calm you down?" Her husband asks trying to keep her unstressed as possible.
"No. I want this beautiful child of ours out of my body." She heaves breathing heavily.

"Okay, okay. I'm going to make sure your dad has Michael." April nods beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. She grits her teeth in pain letting out another yelp in pain. It pained Mitchell seeing his wife in so much pain but she was bringing another little girl he could care for into this world.
"Keep your eyes on the road!" April directed but it was too late.

Mitch's POV
"Apr- April!" I yelled my vision coming out of it's blur. I hear her yell in pain agin remember the baby. I rush over my head spinning but the most important part right now is her and our baby. She sits on the curb looking unharmed.

"M-Mitch. We have to get to the hospital." She says in between deep breaths.
"Just wait for an ambulance baby." I kiss her forehead and run to find my phone to call an ambulance. Weirdly no one else was on the road besides that one car, it's driver no where to be seen.

I wave off the black smoke exhaling from the car coughing. I find my phone luckily still charged and barely cracked. I feel the smoke reach into my lungs but I dial the numbers in trying to find my way out of the thick black fog.
"911 what's your emergency?" The operator picks up.

"My wife is about to have a baby and we just got I to a car wreck. I can't find the other driver and smoke is coming out of my car."

"Can you tell me where you are, sir?" I give her the road we drove off on, black spots blurring my eyesight. I try to maneuver my way through the black fog unable to.

My entire body grows numb but I keep the sliver of strength I have left to keep me walking.
"Apr- April. I'm sorry." I yell into the darkness collapsing to the ground my vision going blank.

Summary: Basically April is about to have Vanessa and Mitch is driving them to the hospital (Michael is with her dad) and Mitch wasn't paying attention at one time and slams into another car (who knows what happened with that driver) and he stays alive but he got a concussion idk. April is fine and Vanessa is too. He finds them and goes back to find his phone to call an ambulance. He dies to carbon monoxide poisoning and maybe because he died trying to save Vanessa is why he can talk to her in ghost form hmmm........ Btw Vanessa is born without any defects or anything miraculously... I have no idea if a fetus could survive that btw so don't try your luck


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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