Part 9

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We enter the Science class hand in hand.
"Oh a new couple." Mr. Howard smiles at us noticing us holding hands. "Congratulations." We both blush and we split up since our seats are half way across the room.

"Okay class!" He claps his hands together getting our attention. "Today is a day for working on our upcoming projects with your partners." I mentally groan. How am I supposed to work with.... him?!? I can't have distractions plus I have a boyfriend and whenever I see him I just get this tingly feeling inside and just.... ugh! I look around the room not seeing him. I give a mental sigh of relief but I also have a weird feeling in my stomach.
"Hi sweetheart." Preston brings me closer to him as he wraps one arm behind my back smiling down on me since I'm pretty short... okay really short.
"Hey there." I smile back. We walk to our lockers luckily ours are really close to each other's.

"Hey princess." I hear behind me. I turn around quickly Preston stands at my side. I see Mitch has his arm around some blonde's shoulder, she having hickeys all over her neck. I feel a gut pain in my chest before I realize I have Preston. That feeling doesn't really go away but it did a little.

"Mitch." My breathing hitches before I cough and begin speaking grabbing Preston. "I have good news. Me and Preston are dating. He asked me out today." I kiss his cheek before he blushes wildly smiling. Mitch's face immediately hardens staring at Preston then back at me. He then grips the girl next to him a bit tighter.

"That's great." He has a sarcastic tone in his speech. "Because Miley and I here are dating too." He pulls who I'm assuming Miley closer to him and starts making out with her.
"Okay cool." My voice cracks. How could me seeing him with that blonde make me feel jealous. I'm with Preston.

I grab my books and get up as the bell rings handing in my worksheet. I push my books back in my locker before finding Mitch on the other side.
"I don't like you with him." He growls a stern look on his face.
"I don't care." I slam my locker shut and start walking away before he grips my wrist.
"You should." He pulls me close kissing harshly on my neck. I let out a strangled moan before I push him away. Great I'm late for lunch.

Oh wa wa lol

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