Part 21

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I also just finished a very feelsy epilogue and I'm about to cry like omg anyway this is kind of a filler chapter... But seriously guys there's only like three more chapters like omg

"Why the fuck do you always toy with Mitch! He's not yours he's mine." I scoff at her. She just let's out a ha and rolls her eyes leaving the rest of her friends laughing.
"You wish sweetie but he's nobody's. He's a lone wolf and they never stick with one girl. After he's done with you he'll just go looking for another girl to be with. Don't you think I've known about his secret for awhile? His mother is a famous model."

"Ya well good for you but he's nothing like that."
"He's a bad boy. Bad boys leave girls like you heartbroken and unable to repair themselves. They only stay with strong girls who can stand up for themselves."
"What do you think I'm doing right now bitch? I'm standing up not just for me but for my fucking boyfriend!" She just laughs again making her friends laugh.

"They only enjoy the thrill of see your heart break when they leave you. Remember Mitch and Jerome? He enjoyed watching Jerome crumble and he'll enjoy it even more when you do."
"We trust each other FYI. I love him and he loves me."

"Please, he doesn't love you. The only thing he loves is excitement and drama."
"No. That's you. If you think he wanted drama don't you think he would've told everyone about this. About being rich? He would've let everything out about him a long time ago."
"Why do you think he "dated" all those girls?" She asks harshly putting air quotes around dated. "Why do you think he broke all those hearts. One being mine? Because he doesn't care. He only cares for himself he's a fucking bad boy. Bad boys don't care at all get a fucking brain and think it through before you try to defend him." She spits one last time. I wanted to slap her so hard but I resist. The thing is Mitch isn't a bad boy.

He's just a soft angel role playing and that was one thing no one should ever find out.
"Whatever. Just leave him alone. Leave everyone alone till you realize how bitchy you're being." I run away finding Mitch in the hallway people surrounding him asking questions as if he were some famous celebrity.

"Mitch!" I hug him tightly the poisonous words from Ashley burning my mind. "Back the fuck off people!" I shout at them. Some leave disgusted but many more still stay. "Why do you guys care anyway? You aren't his friends none of you are."
"Fuck off." One of them says. Mitch's face hardens and he storms forward but I stop him.
"They aren't worth it." I whisper kissing him. His cheeks turn back to a normal color and he smiles kissing me back.

I finish my math homework finally when someone knocks on the door.
"Are you here to rob me?" I shout walking up to the door. I hear a small laugh from the other side.
"No, it's me princess." I hear Mitch's deep voice. I open the door and hug him. "I promised you a second date." He says handing me a small bouquet of roses. I smile and take them from him. They smell like happiness and romance. I kiss him and fill a vase with water to put them in.
"Should I change?" I ask looking down at my t-shirt and sweatpants. I look at his black t-shirt and jeans.
"No." He smiles taking my hand. "You look perfect." I kiss him on his cheek and get in his car.

Bad Boys (bajancandian)Where stories live. Discover now