Part two

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"Our first period is..... Science! Ohh my favorite!" He says as I follow him into the classroom.
"And who might this be Mr. Aceti?" (I'm guessing yet pretty sure) The teacher asks Jerome.
"This is April Walter. She's the new girl."

"Oh great! My name is Mr. Howards." He reaches out his hand and I shake it firmly. "You can take a seat next to Jerome if you'd like." I nod and I follow Jerome setting my books on the desk next to his.
"Today class, we will be talking about a upcoming project. And you will be working with ASSIGNED partners." He emphasizes on the assigned part. Groans fill the room. The teacher strokes his imaginary beard and starts pairing kids up.

"April why don't you team up with Mitch." He points at a boy in the back. I look to where she's pointing. Shit. I mentally groan as the boy he was pointing at slowly walks up to Jerome's now empty desk because he went to work with his partner. He has thick chocolate brown hair that flares up slightly like Jerome's. His deep brown eyes show carelessness and intenseness. His arms are lined with tattoos and probably the other parts of his body. His face is lightened up with piercings. Eyebrow, ear, lip, nose a lot. He was a black jacket possibly leather possibly not.
"Hey there." He winks at me.
"Oh great." I think to myself. "A bad boy."

"April huh? Sounds so.... Innocent." He winks at me having a devilish smile on his face.
"Hey. So I can do all the work if you want. I work better alone." I suggest. It's true plus I don't really want to work with him. He's just too.... distracting.
"Oh really?" He asks raising his brown, thick eyebrows. I nod pursing my lips. "Nah. I'll help at least. Even princesses need help sometimes." He says sarcastically.
"I'm not a princess." I huff. "Never have. Never will."
"Well then. What are you? Princess." I look at him my eyes narrow. His dark eyes dance with fiery desperation. A loud bell is heard throughout the room. The periods over. I quietly sigh out of relief. Saved by the bell.

Yayaya part 2!!!! I have gotten farther into writing this but not to daily updates yet I'm not really on a schedule for this one 🌚 btw the whole gang is in this and I'm hoping to make edits for this and most of them will be with Mitch's goofy face because he makes one for most of his pictures 😂 if you find one you'd like me to use dm me through ig on Reasonweloveyoutubers love ya lots bye <3

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