Part 18

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Sorry I made Ashley a bit of a b word and frequent cussing in next few parts

"Hey you okay?" Mitch asks when I close my locker.
"Yeah? Why?" He takes my arm and shows me the large scrape on it. "Oh wow. Don't worry I just accidently ran into somebody no biggy."

"Oh okay good. I was thinking where would you want to go for a second date?" He asks me and leans on the lockers. I shrug.
"Anywhere I'm with you is fine with me." He smiles and I kiss him. I hear someone scoff behind us. I turn around and see Jerome.

"What are you doing here Jerome?" I ask him harshly. I was just so done with Jerome's bullshit.
"I'm trying to protect you from getting your heart broken. Mitch is just a cowardly bitch." Jerome spits.

"No he's not. He's anything but a coward. And I like him for not being one."

"Thanks princess." Mitch whispers sweetly into my ear.
"You're just jealous Aceti. Just because you and that Ashley girl broke up." Mitch say angrily. I never knew Ashley and him broke up. Jerome's face hardens at the mention.

"Whatever. Just be careful with that son of a bitch." I roll my eyes as Jerome walks away. What's up with him and Mitch anyways?

Mitch's POV
I was ditching. I was so done and I needed to get away and be by myself for a while plus I was bored. There was a small alley near the back of school that I always go too. It's not like one of those robbery things I promise.

I'm not going to go all batman on you. I sigh and slide down against the wall. I stashed some stuff here like food and sodas and a few blankets. Whenever mom and dad fight I come here because hen they get drunk.... I shake the thoughts and memories out of my head especially the ones of Jerome.

Jerome.... His words stick like poison to my brain his face making my head dizzy. Ugh why did it have to happen. I wish I could just go back and change it but what about April?

I love her but I made a mistake with Jerome. A big one too. I bury my face in my hands just needing a hug but no one would give me one.

It was the middle of school and no one ditches. I hear footsteps from someone coming down the alley but I don't bother to look up I just sit there being my ignorant, stupid, selfish self. I hear them sit beside me and start to rub my back.

"Hey Mitch." I hear a female voice comfort. I don't recognize it at first but then it hits me

"What are you doing here Ashley?!" I ask making my voice higher than I wanted it to be.
"Trying to comfort you, you dimwit." She spits back.

"Whatever I'm leaving." I get up and start. To walk down the alley. I hated her, everything about her. She seems so innocent but under those pink soft lips is venom that'll knock you out at any second, trust me I've experienced it.

"Stop." I whip around and she kisses me. Her perfume dazes me, the softness makes my insides feel like jelly but I try to not give in. She smiles evilly as she still kisses me.

It wasn't a make out session but this was nothing real at all.
"Mitch?" I hear a voice ask pained. I force Ashley away and look at April's pained eyes. I recognize those eyes. They're the same eyes Preston gave us.

Another a/n
Oooooo cliffhanger :P

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