Authors note

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I'd like to say something

I'm thinking about writing a sequel I might who knows..... I have some ideas but I need to focus on my other fanfics. I loved writing this book and I think a sequel would be nice but I tbh hate sequels because they're rarely as good as the first.

Tbh I'm surprised none of you noticed a certain detail in the epilogue...


But I'm trying to get some ideas for some more fanfics I want to write one for every person in he pack and all I need are Rob and Vikk

I have some ideas and I might stick with them but I want your guys opinions they aren't permanent and they're kind of bad....

(These are not for you to take FYI)

So for Rob a I have the idea of whenever he gets nervous his hair changes color like changes to a bright white and his hair is really always white because he's always nervous that his hair will show and everyone will pick on him until he meets someone who doesn't make him nervous something along that line

For Vikk just something really simple like this one but I haven't come up with a good firm idea

I'll give you credit if you come up with an idea I have a few others but they're pretty bad....

Welp thanks anyway and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

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