Not Even a Little Bit?

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This wasn't originally going to be this but basically some early relationship Romanogers fluff. 

"C'mon Cap. Your seriously telling me that you aren't even a little bit afraid of her?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow as he grabbed a cup of coffee. 

Steve shook his head, just wanting to finish the dishes and go up to his room. "No. Why should I be? I don't go out of my way to piss her off."

Clint shook his head, "So you aren't even slightly concerned that she could kill you with her pinky if she wanted to?" 

"No...why would she want to? Like I said, you two are the only ones who purposely make her mad." 

"Still," Tony argued, "You aren't even a little bit afraid of her?" 

Steve sighed and shook his head, "No. I'm not." 

As if on queue, Natasha walked into the room, going straight to Steve's side and placing a light kiss on his cheek, "Your not what?" 

"Afraid of you," Steve confessed, causing Natasha to raise her eyebrow. 

"Really?" She asked.

Steve frowned, "Should I be?" 

She shook her head, "No, I'm just surprised. You've seen me threaten these two idiots so many times I wouldn't be surprised if you were." 

Clint frowned, "So you don't regularly threaten him too?" 

"No. I only threaten assholes who put cameras in my living room and idiots who climb through my vents," She said, glaring at both Tony and Clint. 

Tony frowned, "How'd you find those? They're supposed to be impossible to find!" 

Natasha frowned, "Doesn't matter. they're gone now and if I find them again you'll have a reason to be afraid of me." 

With that, she grabbed Steve's hand and pulled him towards his room.

"Where are we going?" Steve asked, smiling slightly.

Natasha shrugged, "I'm in the mood for a up for one?" 

Steve nodded, "Sure." 

She smiled at him over her shoulder as they walked into the elevator, "Have you seen Jaws yet?" 

Steve shook his head, "No...isn't that the shark movie?" 

Natasha nodded, "It's a classic." 

Steve just smiled, whether it was a classic or not, he'd probably spend more time watching Natasha then he would the movie. 

When they finally got to his floor, Natasha practically collapsed onto Steve's couch, sitting with her back against the couch arm and pulling her knees to her chest to that Steve could sit down besides her. 

When he did, she lifted her feet and let her legs fall across Steve's lap before pulling herself into his lap so that her head was resting on his chest.

"Want me to make some popcorn of anything?" 

Natasha shook her head, putting the movie on, "Not unless you want some." 

Steve shook his head and relaxed into the couch, placing his arm around Natasha. 

The movie started and Steve did his best to pay attention. It wasn't much use though, he enjoyed watching Natasha's reactions to movies so much more then the movies themselves. 

"You know, most people don't like being stared at," She mumbled, turning to Steve with a small smirk. 

Steve smiled sheepishly, "Sorry. You're a lot more interesting then the movie." 

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