Christmas Traditions and Shit

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So basically I suck at being able to operate as a normal human with a job and also update so it's been a while. Because of that, I'm gonna try and squeeze a shit ton of request and Christmas stuff into a single jam packed one shot full of mostly Christmas fluff. It will probably be the last Christmas one-shot but it will hopefully make up for me being a slow updater and missing most of the season. 

Featuring request of a Secret Santa with inside jokes between Steve and Nat, pregnant Nat, Avengers finding out that Romanogers is more than friends, post civil war Christmas, and more shit that I'm going to throw in for the fun of it. 

Enjoy :)

It had been nearly three years since the Avengers had celebrated Christmas together. 

When the Civil War had happened, they had all sort of gone their separate ways and getting together to celebrate a holiday would have been extremely awkward with the turmoil between Steve and Tony. 

Steve, Natasha, Sam, and Wanda had been on the run for two years, Tony had been continuing to work on his suits, Clint had been on house arrest, and Thor and Bruce had been in space. 

Now, they were all back in New York and everyone had worked out their differences. 

Still, it had been a while since they had all seen one another and there were some things that they were going to need to catch up on. 

"How long do you think it'll take them to figure it out?" Steve asked Natasha, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 

Natasha shrugged, "If it were anyone else, I'd say probably a day. But we're dealing with some of the least observant people I know so probably a while. Unless Sam opens his mouth about it." 

Steve grinned, "Are you sure we shouldn't just tell them?" 

Natasha shrugged, "We could, but it would be so much more fun to see how long it takes them to figure it out." 

Steve sighed, "You not drinking is gonna throw them off." 

"If they notice then it will. But the only one I see noticing that is Clint and he'll be too proud to ask. He'll wanna figure it out for himself." 

Steve shook his head, laying down on their bed together, "Does he even know about us?" 

Natasha shook her head, "I never told him. He probably suspects it though. He thought we were in love before we even got together." 

Steve laughed, "We were." 

Natasha smirked, laying her head on Steve's chest, "Yeah but he didn't know that." 

Rolling his eyes slightly, Steve leaned down to kiss Natasha and then rested his hands on her stomach. There was no physical change yet but just the thought that a baby was growing inside of her made his heart swell with joy. Especially because neither of them had ever thought that would be possible.

"It'll be weird to have to sneak around again," Steve said, "At least with Sam we had a reason to be sharing a bed every night." 

Natasha nodded, "Our rooms at the compound are right next to each other and we're the only ones on our floor. It won't be too hard to not get caught. Jarvis can help with that too." 

Steve nodded, "I guess so." 

Natasha grinned, "Relax, if they haven't figured out by Christmas Eve, we can tell them." 

"Deal," Steve said. 

Natasha rested her hand atop Steve's and tilted her head so that she could look him in the eyes, "It'll all work out fine. I promise." 

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