35. As it Is.

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Chapter Summary: Muffet is worried and asks Stretch for a favour.
You try to escape.
WARNING! Mentions of traumatizing events/abuse. Please read carefully! And if you want to skip the scene, there are asterisks indicating where it starts and where is leaves off!

Muffet paced around the room, her finger in between her teeth, softly nibbling on the purple skin - she flinched lightly at the sharp nip of her fang penetrating through the skin. Blueish grey blood slowly dripped to the floor and vanishing like smoke in the air - speckles of dust now scattered as she quickly grabbed a napkin and wrapped it around her finger. A small frown on her lips, fangs poking out of her upper lip as she stared at her phone.

It had been a day since her talk with Agile - Her cousin suspected that something might happen during the trip but he wasn't so sure. He was angry about her brothers; fair to say that she's just as angry.

She gingerly picked it up, scrolling through the calendar and sighed. Various spiders cleaned the closed shop, putting the bakery trays away - tending the bar in the basement, cleaning off the tables and trash left behind.

She would normally set up a fresh batch of dough for the next day - but she was at her wits end! Agile promised that he would call on your cellphone to update her on the situation and events, yet he hadn't called back.

Pursing her lips into a thing line, she pushed up her glasses with her second arm to her left, dialling a familiar number and pressed it to her ear, making sure the doors were locked, pulled the curtains down while the phone rang numerous times. Impatiently tapping the side of her phone twice before the number picked up and she audibly sighed.

"Deary, are you alright?" She asked, voice soft and mellow at the trembling breaths from the other end.

"just... splendid." The voice hissed, rustling could be heard as they shifted. Muffet frowned.

"It hadn't passed yet? You're usually on the dot for four days." She said, the voice of her adoptive son growling in annoyance.

"something's different. could be..nothing. nevermind-fuck!" Stretch shouted, shaking his skull and quickly apologized to Muffet. Face bright orange in embarrassment - She waved it off, saying that it was fine. "what d'ya need?"

"Oh.. I am..worried about an employee." Muffet said, locking the door after ascending the stairs, bringing her thumb to her lips and nibbled on her - already shortened - nails. "I need a favour."

"i'm a..a bit busy." Stretch groaned, Muffet cringed.

"please. Just.. check up on her, I have the address with me - don't ask how I got it." She said quickly, glancing to her window with an uneasy look. "Take the medications, it should help dampen the urge."

"how-how did you..-"

"You never liked those heats, I figured giving them to Sa-Blue would help you if you needed them." Muffet mumbled, forcing herself to sit instead of standing in the middle of the room. She picked up the pillow and placed in on her lap, hugging it close to her aching chest.

Stretch laughed, gasping for air. "k. i'll swing by in a bit. see you."

"See you." Muffet whispered, hanging up the phone and placed it down. She hugged the pillow, squeezing it softly and frowned. Something was happening and it was driving her mad that she had no idea what. Her senses went haywire, screaming at her to do something but what? What was there to do or say?

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