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Two boys sat hip to hip. Staring at the stars and one admiring the other. Sitting on the metal clanky vehicle. The silence drifted away as the blond giggled.

Corbyn giggled, "thanks for saving me from that gross flirting, and thank you for getting Daniel too."

Jonah smiled, "anytime angel," he said, taking off his jacket.

"Jo no- you'll get cold" corbyn frowned, his green-blue eyes looking into jonahs bright blue.

"Take it angel," jonah insisted, his hand grabbed corbyns.

"But its your letter jacket-"

"Baby take it" jonah smirked seeing the boys flushed cheeks as he called the boy baby.

"Jonah-" corbyn leaned against the older, "fine thanks"

Jonah kissed his knuckles and pointed to the sky. Corbyn laid his head on Jonahs chest.

"I love the night sky" corbyn whispered, he pointed at the stars in the sky. "Look this is the constellation pieces, and this one is the little dipper. And that bright star in the sky is venus. I love study then. It's so cool. My mom bought me a telescope. And I use it when it's clear out. I'm sorry y-"

Jonah listened intently to each word, staring at the sky and Corbyn, "keep going."

Corbyn blushed, "tonight is a 78% of a full moon and you can tell that it's not illuminated all the way but more than half. And look, the sky is clear so clear, you can see some stars or planets that are far away. Like that- that is the planet cerba-918. Its located 9 million light years away. The night sky is something that calms me it's so open. It wont judge you...and it's nice to just be able to think out in the stars calm"

"W-wait why are you..."

"Why am I stating at you?" Jonah smiled at Corbyn, who nodded shyly. "Because angel, when your talking your eyes lit up. Just so passionate darling, and your passion in your voice. Angel its adorable"

Corbyn smiled and closed his eyes, "a-am I annoying you?"

"Never" whispered the older, kissing his head, "why?"

"We...well it's just that I hate how I always talk so much... people hate me for it and I guess Daniel gets annoyed with it... why dont you?" Corbyn closed his eyes and smiled feeling jonahs arms wrap tighter around him protectively.

"Because its adorable love, I love how you ramble on and on, then you are so nervous and blushy around me when you do. And then you always apologize when you don't need to. Your just adorable" jonah murmured, kissing his head.

"No jo I'm not... and never will be at least that what August told me... expeciallyafter he learned I had a crush on you." corbyn frowned, he felt Jonah hiss.

"That asshole, i always knew he hated the LGBTQ+. Not that it matters because his opinion doesn't matter" Jonah soothed, he kissed Corbyn's cheek. "If he hurts you, you come to me understood?"


"Angel, he doesn't deserve to be rewarded for his behavior. Does he ever let you do anything to him?" Jonah looked at the time on his phone.

"I mean no..."

"Then he shouldn't do anything to you. And he doesn't have a right to yell at you either, or say those things." jonah assured, kissing corbyns temple.

"Your right he doesn't! He knows I'm sensitive to yelling and harsh words!" Corbyn realized, he hugged jonah tightly.

"But hes also always there... I can't get rid of him. He told me if I told anyone..." corbyn frowned, he sighed and smiled at the smell of jonahs letter jacket.

"Fuck him, I'm going to protect you. And I'll beat that asshole up." jonah smiled, "ill do whatever you want"

Corbyn softly smirked, "anything?"

"Mhm" jonah hummed not seeing the smirk.

"Will you pick me up and take me to school every morning, will a mini makeout session and then announce to the school I'm yours?" Corbyns said with pleading eyes. "Oh and no beating up anyone jo-bear" he added with a giggle.

Jonah raised an eyebrow, "what an.... odd request but I mean..." he lifted Corbyn all into his lap, "if your looking for a makeout session..."

Jonah pulled Corbyn's chin up and smirked, "then I can do that' he pressed his lips to corbyns.

Corbyn responded quickly and pushed Jonah down so they were laying down. He squeaked as jonahs tongue flicked into his mouth as he moved his lips against jonahs.

Jonah smirked and flipped them over, he explored every nook and cranny in corbyns mouth, their tongues having a mini fight as Corbyn pushed jonahs tongue back.

"I'm on top baby" jonah murmured to the younger, "always" he added with a hiss.

"I'm sorry" corbyn moaned as jonahs lips attached to his jaw and his tongue swirled in the spot he kissed, then sucking.

"So you really want to be mine huh?" Jonah smirked, pecking Corbyns lips again, his hands traveling to corbyns ass.

"I didnt think it was hard to tell," corbyn whispered his lips pursing as Jonah sucked on his jaw.

"If you really want to be mine let's say I take you on a date yeah? Say tomorrow or sunday?" Jonah kissed Corbyn's lips again nibbling corbyns ear.

"Its a date"

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