viente y ocho

578 24 7

[Time skip]

Jonah groaned leaning back, "angel I dont want to do this" he whined.

"Jo who wants to do homework. Answer me that" corbyn giggled, "the quicker we get it done the sooner we can do other things. Here I help you with science and got help me with history?"

"Can I get a kiss?" Jonah whined, "pleaseee"

"If you do your homework without complaining." Corbyn looked at Jonah.

Jonah threw himself back on Corbyn's bed, "ugh school sucks"

"But its how I met you so theres a plus" corbyn tried to make Jonah feel better. Jonah smiled widely.

"Yeah, you ran into me and openly admitted you liked me. Bold Mr. Besson" jonah grabbed Corbyn's waist pulling him into his lap.

"No I'm doing homework-" corbyns words became muffled by jonahs lips.

"Small break" jonah mumbled against his lips.

Corbyn mind blanked as Jonah moved his lips against his own. The blond didn't try to stop Jonah. Forgetting about his own schoolwork as Jonah slowly pushed Corbyn underneath him.

"Your definition of small is 30-45 minutes" corbyn breathed heavily after they broke away.

Jonah shrugged, he slipped his hands under Corbyn's shirt, something he started doing to get Corbyn used to feeling so he wasn't jumpy. Of course he made sure with Corbyn beforehand.

"Can I take it off angel? Your so pretty without it" Jonah asked kissing Corbyn's neck, Corbyn holding back soft moans.

"Jo," corbyn whimpered, "yes you can. More lip-to-lip kisses" he begged.

"Needy boy" jonah teased, before picking his head up and pressing his lips to Corbyn's.

Jonah took Corbyn's arms out of the sleeves and lifted the shirt he broke the kiss for a brief second to lift the shirt over his head before kissing him once more.

Corbyn let out another whimper as Jonah swiped his tongue over his bottom lip. When he didnt give access Jonah gently gripped Corbyn's thigh which Corbyn grunted to.

Corbyn pulled Jonah's body against his own before the two broke away for air briefly.

"No" corbyn told him, coming to his senses, "we can't do this now. I have a project due tomorrow and you need to do your math homework so no more kissing till you get it done."

"But angel" jonah whined, jonah groaned as Corbyn pushed him off and pulled him up.

Jonah groaned, taking the papers and looking at the math problems. He slowly began to do the problems getting out his messy notes. Taking a mental note to do better.


"Corbyn I finished can we kiss now?" Jonah whined as Corbyn helped him finish his last problem.

Corbyn chuckled, "you called me needy"

"Not my fault someone is such a fucking cutie" jonah smirked, "such a pretty distraction from work" he teased kissing corbyns lips.

Corbyn screeched as Jonah tackled him on the bed. "Now that I've got you, I get kisses" jonah smirked.

"I still have to kiss back, who says I will?" Corbyn smirked, jonah smirked wider.

"Angel your the one who said they wouldnt resist my kisses but I mean fine fine" jonah started to to crawl off, corbyn whined and quickly pulled Jonah back over him.

"Kisses" corbyn gave jonah puppy dog eyes.

Jonah chuckled and kissed Corbyn's lips. His hands slowly ran down Corbyn's sides as he slowly left kisses along Corbyn's chin down to his neck. Corbyn moaned softly as Jonah hit his soft spot.

"Jo" corbyn moaned softly.

"Such a pretty boy" jonah hummed before pecking his lips again. His hands this time going to the blonds hair.

Corbyn let Jonahs hands travel down to his thighs. He was slowly getting used to the touch of Jonah. He liked how it was slow.

Corbyn gasped as he felt lips to his stomach and gentle nibbles. Jonah then smirked and shuffled himself upward, holding corbyns arms down with his knees he began to tick the boys sides who loudly began to giggle.

"Jonah! No stop" corbyn giggled, trying to kick his legs but they didnt effect Jonah.

"Hmmm nah" jonah chuckled kissing corbyns lips while ticking Corbyn's sides.

Corbyn squirmed around, breaking away from the kiss. "Jonahhh okay Jonah is best boyfriend I said the password stop"

"I didnt want the password, I want you angel to agree to say a date or double date this weekend?"

"Who am I to say no to you jobear. From the dates we've been on they've been amazing surprise me again jo" Corbyn smiled, Jonah stopped and pulled Corbyn up.

"Glad my job as boyfriend has improved. Okay I got my kisses. Did you want help with history?"


Jonah was finishing using the bathroom when Jordan appeared.

"Hey... uh jonah?" Jordan said quietly.

"Whoa is the Jordan Besson talking to me without sass?" Jonah laughed.

Jordan looked down, "I'm sorry I just... I hate it. Every time Corbyn gets a boyfriend be forgets about me! We used to be close... and now we're not. I've been watching how you treat him and its nothing but amazing. I'm sorry for being an ass but after you being into drugs I thought it would've been bad then I just get jealous. I'm sorry. I...if you'll let me, I'd like to get to know you. Everyone accepted you so it's my turn. What do you say?"

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