trienta y uno

697 26 19

The weekend
Long chapter (2,500+ words)
All over the place so sowwies

Jonah was currently at his own house, one he didn't recognize anymore. Corbyn's home was so welcoming. And he felt safe.

But that didn't mean he didn't miss his dad or siblings. Currently talking to his dad as they hugged remembering everything his dad had done for him.

"Good to see your still alive. Only texts I get from you are saying your with Corbyn." The elder spoke, jonah frowned.

"Sorry dad I guess I've just really enjoyed my time over there" Jonah rubbed his arm.

"That's fine Jonah, I'm happy your happy. I'm glad your okay, I just miss my son" his father spoke with a smile, "did you ask him to homecoming or is that still-"

"Work in progress" Jonah smiled, "it's coming up though and I get to play in the game"

"That's great son. So... have you done the dirty" his father asked curiously.

"Dad" he laughed.

"What? I deserve to know"

"No. Corbyn does seem to be getting more comfortable with my movements though" jonah smiled.

"That's good, what are you guys doing today?"

"Me and Jack were going to take the guys to lazertag, to the zoo and then an escape room" Jonah chuckled, "we love doing crazy things."

"That sounds fun. Now tell zach I said hi for me okay?" Timothy smiled, watching his son leave with one more hug.

"Okay dad. Love you"


Corbyn was getting ready, placing jonah's shirt. Ashley giggling.

"Bean stop fretting that boy thinks you look adorable all the time."

"Yeah but... I want to wow him" the boy sighed, "hes said multiple times that i look extra cute in his clothes"

"Well duh, your wearing HIS clothes. It makes him happy knowing you like wearing his clothes. Plus it makes it look like your his." Ashley said in a duh tone as if it were obvious.

Corbyn blushed, "well I am his. I know he gave me his letter jacket for me to wear because it said his name and he liked knowing that everyone saw his name on my back."

Ashley cooed, then both heard, "Corbyn, honey jonahs back!"

Corbyn made his way down and his smile took effect as he saw Jonah.

"Jo!" He squealed, going into his embrace gently.

"Hi angel," jonah chuckled, he placed kisses to lips. He took Corbyn out of his chest and looked at his appearance.

"Is that my shirt?" The brunet chuckled, a smirk upon his face.

"Mhm, comfy. You told me to wear comfortable clothes" corbyn hummed. "Plus it has your smell so extra comfortable"

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