Everything Burns

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Capsize's Pov

I wake up and Skipper is already out and about. I get up brush my hair amd get dressed. I smile remembering Jordan, he's truly amazing. I get out of the boat and make my way to Jordan's house. I hear crying and I start to panic, who wouldn't after what all I've seen. "Jardon!" I yell running down to where he is. He's laying in his bed crying. "Hey what's wrong" I say and sit next to him. "I'm sorry it was a dream" Jardon says and I take his hand in mine. "Its okay I get them too" Hanna runs in and stops when she sees me. "Jordan are you..." I cut her off "He's fine doesn't want to talk about it!" I snap and Hanna leaves. There ground rumbles and both me and Jordan jump up. He puts on diamond armor this time and grabs a sword before taking my hand and running outside. Then I see him, Dianite. My heart starts to beat and my brother is at my side. Hanna and Tom and bowed down at his feet when a fireball flies and hits the tree. "No!" Jardon yells and both my hands fly over my mouth. "Want to save Ianite huh!" Dianite says and I see tears running down Jardon's face. "Answer me! Do you want to save your god!" Dianite yells and I turn and hide behind my brother. "Burn it all I'm saving her!" Jardon yells and Dianite laughs sending another fireball into Jerry's Tree. "Tom you know what to do" Dianite says and disappears back into the nether. Jardon walks away I watch as he sits under his deck and throws flowers into a small flame by his foot. I watch Hanna walk over amd sit next to him. She whispers something and Jardon explodes. "You let him burn it Hanna! And you said you wanted to help us!" "She does Jordan!" Tom yells in Hanna's defence. "You said you'd say no! You promised Hanna after Arey's death I'd never be alone again! You lied! Now leave me alone and let me cry" Tom walks up to me and I shake my head. "I'm sorry about all this Jordan is sensitive amd emotional right now." Then Tom leaves to go wherever Dianite's go. "So its fine for her to love you but I can't! I can't comfort you anymore! You and I both know he would've killed me if I would've said no." "You leave my Capsize out of this!" I smile he called me his! "What is she replacing Aurey! No actually that's not possible no girl could ever love you as much as Aurey did and you remember that!" Hanna leaves at that and Jardon doesn't come over to me he just watches the tree burn. "Everything I love burns!" Jardon yells and Skipper pulls me just a little further away from the tree. "He can't save her sis look at him. The poor boy is stressed out enough we need to take Tucker and Tom with us to Ianieria" He says and I look back at Jardon. "He can do it Skipper he has to be the one to do it." I say and Jardon walks over to me. "Lets go" He whispers and I nod. "Sis when will you be back at the ship?" Skipper asks "I'll bring her back don't worry about it" Jardon says and brother nods. I take Jardon to his room and lay him down. I sit next to him and his head rests on my shoulder. "Capsize I need you to know he can burn my tree and everything else I have but nothing is going stop me from saving Ianite. Nothing" Jardon says and I nod. "Good we need you" The ground rumbles again and I slide down and snuggle into Jardon's chest. "Jordan" a strong voice says and I feel Jardon rest his sword over me. "Jardon who is that" I whisper and Jardon shivers. "I don't know" he whispers back. "Its Mianite Jordan I need you! I know you're here" the voice says and I feel Jardon start to get up. "Stay here I'll come back and get you if its safe" Jardon says and I shake my head. "No I'm not letting you go...." "Capsize please" Jardon says and I shut up. He walks out and I see the light switch on. "Capsize come on out!" I hear Jardon yell and I obey. I walk and stand just behind Jardon. Mianite is said to be nice but any god that isn't Ianite is scary to me. "Capsize its okay I'm not gonna hurt you or anyone else" Mianite says but I don't move. "We're running out of time and Dianite's attack proves that Ianite is weak. I know where he's keeping her but the only way to get in is to be a true Dianite. I had one of the followers volunteer to go in and I bet you cam guess who that was." Mianite says and my heart speeds up.  "Hanna!" Jardon says.  "She's his daughter hopefully he'll go easy on her" "Mianite take Capsize back to the boat I've got to go after her." Jardon says amd I shake my head. "No I'm going with you!" I argue. "Capsize I can't I'll be back before you know it." "Jardon no don't put that armor on. Its Dianite's. Jardon please!" I plead starting to panic as my Jardon gets ready for war. I feel warm tears running down my face as I lean up against the wall. I feel Jardon's hands lock with mine and my eyes open. "Don't leave me" I whisper and then it happens. Jardon's lips on my own. He pulls back "I'll see you soon okay" Jardon says and just before he leaves I know what I must do. "Jardon wait!" I yell running to him. First I kiss him then I pull out mh sword "its not much but its something to remember me by" I say and Jardon nods leaving me for what could be forever. Mianite walks me home and I go straight to my room. I already miss him and it hasn't even been five minutes.

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