Save You Tonight

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Ianite's Pov

"You feel any better" Mianite asks honestly yes I'm gaining strength back but ny heart hurts. "My poor boy" I say and Mianite puts his hand on my back. "Ianeria will help him." "You really think so." I say watching Jordan walk in his house with Capsize and Boo. "I hope the new and old residents won't be to harsh on him." "Its not him they'll fear its the child. They'll see her as a threat." I sigh sadly its the truth.

Jordan's Pov

Boo lays between me and Capsize, both girls fast asleep. I know Tucker and Tom are awake too. Who could sleep after what we went through today. My neck is killing me I remember the pills Dec gave me. I take one and the pain starts to ease. I hear Capsize start to cry and I reach my arm around Boo. I rub up and down on Capsize's arm and she starts to calm down. I see the sun start sneaking over the horizon and I sneak out of bed. I walk down to my vault. I put on a fresh outfit and my Ianite armor over the top. I bring the bow of justice and the sword of Dianite. I walk back up to find Capsize telling Boo about Ianeria. "Are there more people like you!" Boo says and I hear Aurey come out in her. Capsize looks to me and I walk over. "We don't know yet Boo." Capsize gets up and starts making pancakes. "Mr.Jordan before I came here, Mr.Wag was scared people wouldn't like me. What if..." Capsize slams the pan down amd starts to sob. I walk over and hold her. "Its okay everything's going to be okay." Capsize calms down I return to Boo. "Everyone's going to love you. I promise." I say as Capsize serves pancakes. "I'm six years old Mr. Jordan I can take what you need to tell me." Boo says taking a bite of her pancake. "Just call me Jordan" I say getting up to help Capsize with dishes. "Five star pancakes Mrs. Capsize" I say wrapping Capsize up in my arms and kissing her. "Lets go Pretty Boy" Capsize says and I pick Boo up. When we get to the dock the whole crew is waiting for us. I set Boo down and she stands next to Capsize. Tom is the first to hug me. "I'm sorry Pretty Boy for my actions and words yesturday" Tom says and I laugh. "You're forgiven Green Man" I say and Sonja is next. "Come home soon we'll miss you!" She says and I smile. Tucker hugs me and I pull back. The one thing I remember about Tucker is he hates goodbyes. "By Sparkly Dick looks like we'll need to find a new stripper now!" Tucker jokes and I smile. "By Mr. William Boner!" Hanna looks hesitant so I pull her in my arms.

Hanna's Pov

Jordan pulls me in his arms and I start to cry. "By Sparklez" I say as he pulls back. His eyes shimmery with tears. "This isn't goodbye I promise." He says and kisses my forehead.

Jordan's Pov

Skipper calls me, Capsize, and Boo on the ship and I pick Boo back up. I wave tk the crew and smile when I see Tom kiss Hanna just as they drift out of sight. We all huddle together in the cabin and Boo looks nervous. The boat halls to a stop and I hold Boo's hand as we walk out. There's a whole group of people waiting for us. "Capsize!" A male voice says and I see her and another boy wrap their arms around each other. "Jack you made it!" I hear Capsize say and then he pops the question. "Who is the hero who saved her." Capsize looks at me and I kind of wave. "This over world scrum Capsize you're joking." Boo squeezes my hand and I squeeze hers. "They don't like us!" Boo whispers and I pick her up. "No Jack this is Jardon he saved her. He's one of us you know the only in his realm." Capsize says and I step onto the dock. A lady gasps before yelling "The child's eyes!" Boo hides her head in my shoulder and I sigh. Capsize runs up to me and takes my hand in hers. "Capsize is it yours!" Jack says and Boo shivers. "I'm not a it! My names Boo!" She yells and the group backs up. "It talks!" Jack yells and I see the tears running down Capsize's face. "Capsize don't touch them!" Jack says but Capsize doesn't let go of my hand. "Jack you don't know anything about Jardon he's the reason the village is back!  He used his dying wish to have our homes rebuilt. I realize I don't know a lot of you but you can trust me." Capsize says looking up at me. I start to set Boo down but she latches onto me. "Boo its okay" I say and she lets go. "Capsize can I talk to you, alone." Jack says and I watch Jack drag Capsize a good distance away from me.

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