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Boo's Pov

I jolt awake to find a outfit at the foot of my bed. Its pink stretch pants and a white tank. I slide it on amd it fits perfectly. I pull my hair up and walk out only to find Felix staring back at me. "Lets go you two!" Dianite snaps and I follow closely behind them. "So what are we....." when I see the training room I know its gonna be a long day. "Is this her." A girl with short black hair says. "Yes now she's weak work her bow and try to get her to well you know." Dianite says and the girl nods. "Felix your instructor is on his way." Dianite finishes leaving the room. As I start to walk away Felix grabs my forearm and I instantly jerk free. "Be brave okay." He says and I nod. "Okay Boo so let's get started."

Time Skip

Boo's Pov

Dianite walks back in and calls everyone put front. "How'd they do?" Dianite asks and I glance at the ground. "Amazing." My instructor says and Felix's nods. "You two stand next to each other." Dianite barks and I step over next to Felix. "I can see it all folding out. Now Boo violin now Felix you know where to go." Dianite says and as usual I obey.

Jordan's Pov

I put baby girl to bed when a pair of arms slide around my waist. "Jordan can I...." Ianite starts but I step aside so she can see Jocelyn. "Oh Jordan she looks just like you. Dark eyes......" She stops and tears start rolling down her cheeks. "You okay my lady?" I ask and she nods. "Just reminds me someone." Ianite replies touching Jocelyn's head. "She'll be strong and brave just like you and....." "Jardon." Capsize says and I take her in my arms. "Its okay you're okay so is baby girl." I say and Capsize calms down. "Ianite." She says and Ianite smiles. "I must be going but I do want to check up on her. Goodbye my children." Ianite says and poof she's gone. "Lets go get some sleep." I say picking Capsize up bridal style. She giggles and nussles her head into my bare chest. I sit her down on the bed gently and she kisses me. I let Capsize snuggle up to me and soon she's sleeping. I can't wait to see Boo again. I wish I could've done something to stop her. I wipe a tear and close my eyes.

Time Skip

Boo's Pov

I get up to find Felix waiting. "Listen today's going to be different. Dianite is testing our loyalty. You have to be you in those tests. Mianite, Jordan, Tucker, Green Man (synhd), Sonja Ianite and I will all be watching." He says leaving before I can respond. I put on white with blue tribal designed leggings and a blue shirt. I put on socks and my blue Nikes I run a brush through my hair and walk out. Cameron walks me to the test room and I start to get nervous. I see everyone watching me through a glass window and I take a deep breath. Cameron sits me down in a chair and hands me a blue foggy liquid. "What's this?" I ask "Its the test drink up." I drink the liquid and close my eyes. I jolt awake in the Mianite temple. Ianite Dianite and Mianite symbols foot on pillars in front of me. "Choose!" Mianite's voice booms and my head starts to hurt. What do I want? Not Dianite Mianite or Ianite. I see a forth symbol appear to my left and I glance at it. Its a dove about to take flight. Just before I reach out to touch it I get teleported to the training room. "You choose the shadows over me!" Dianite yells and I nod. "Look down!" He yells again and I close my eyes. "Be you." Felix's voice says in the back of my mind. "No!" I yell back at him. "Look down Boo!" Dianite yells again and again. What's reality and what's this stupid test! What's going on! Then everything stops I open my eyes and I'm back in the testing room. Cameron helps up up and go to where Felix sat. To my right is Mianite to my left Dianite. I watch Felix drink the same fluid I had to and close his eyes. I watch the screen as he appears in the Mianite temple just as I did. But Mianite Ianite and Dianite stand before him. "Now my child choose." Ianite says and I glance over at her. She has tears running down her face and Jordan is holding her hand. I look back to see Felix has chosen Ianite. He gets moved to a house I've never seen before. I see a woman who looks just like me but older. "Mom." I whisper and Felix folds his arms around her. Just after he pulls back Dianite does what he does best. I watch as mom falls to the ground dead. Felix fights back against Dianite but looses. He jolts up in the chair and Ianite stands up.

Ianite's Pov

I teleport down to Felix and wrap my arms around him. "I'm so sorry. That wasn't me. It wasn't me!" I sob and I hear Dianite laughing. "I know its okay. I'm okay." Felix says and I pull back. I stand in between my brothers and Boo runs over to Felix. "Boo and Felix why must you bring pain to your gods." Mianite says and a tear rolls down my face. "Mianite don't...." "You don't have a say in this Ianite!" Mianite yells and my heart breaks. He's never yelled or even raised his voice towards me. Ever. Is Dianite getting to him? No that can't be.... Dianite playfully elbows me and I shoot him a glance. "Ianite can I talk to you." He says interrupting Mianite's speech to Felix and Boo. "Okay lets go talk." Mianite says stepping next to me. "Alone." I nod at Mianite and walk off with Dianite. "You know I don't understand why you look at me so poorly." He says and I keep my eyes on the floor. "I was your first friend."

Flash Back

I sit in the living room as one of my many nannies brushes my hair. "Oh...umm I need to check on Mianite and Trianite." She suddenly said as Dianite walks in. "What do you want." I say as he sits next to me. "I want a friend." Dianite says and feelimg his eyes on me I turned and looked at him. "Okay."

End of flashback

Ianite's Pov

"We did everything together! Then you... you went fucking crazy!" I yell shoving Dianite against the wall of his own temple. "You know why I went crazy! Because you just went and told Mianite everything! Even wrote him letters! The day I found that letter was the worst day of my life Ianite!" Dianite seems to have tears in his eyes and I know I do too. "You tried to kill me." I whisper trying to hold back tears. "I know and I couldn't be more sorry. It's just you give Mianite hope. And hope is the only thing stronger than fear. He could've came and killed me on the spot but he didn't. Even after Aurey." Dianite stops talking and a tear rolls down his face. "You loved her. I know you did." I say wiping one of his tears. "I just couldn't stand the thought of her leaving me for...." I stop him "Jordan." I let Dianite hug me. "I'm so sorry Ianite." Dianite says and I nod. No! I can't fall into his trap like I did the last time. He burned my peoples homes to the ground. But he never touched my temple. "We have to go before someone comes looking." Dianite says and I pull back. There's no trace either of us have been crying. Good maybe Mianote won't kill me now.

Jordan's Pov

Ianite and Dianite walk back in and Ianite stops beside me. "Watch him." She whispers in my ear and I nod assuming she meant Dianite. Ianite walks back between her brothers and Tucker elbows me. "Wanna come explore the guardian temple with the rest of us. We have your water breathing pots and everything." He whispers and I nod. Dianite looks over at Ianite before he starts talking. "Ianite and...." Ianite stops him "Dianite is making this choice I have no say in anything according to Mianite!" She snaps and Tom laughs. "Gotcha a sassy one don't ya Dianite!" Felix and the gods look like they could kill him. "Ignore it." Dianite says to kill the awkwardness. "Kids we must go till next time." Mianite says before disappearing leaving the rest of us. "Jordan I heard Jocelyn is quite the beauty." Dianite says and I shiver. "Yeah" I reply coldly. "She has your eyes." Ianite says but not to me. To Dianite. "I mean from when you were little. You all must be going." Ianite says and Tom speaks up. "You said when we went back you'd come too." He says and I nod. "We'll Dianite and I....." I cut her off "I'm not leaving you alone with him!" I say and Ianite sighs. "He almost killed us both! Ianite please." I beg tears swelling up in my eyes. "Just come back with......" Felix grabs my arm cutting me off. "She'll be fine. I'm not going to let him hurt her." He says and I jerk free. "Jordan go home." Ianite says and we all walk through the portal.

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