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Jordan's Pov

Hanna hugs me and I hug back. She's the only one who came to say goodbye. I board the ship and sit. I can't wait to see them! To hug my Boo amd kiss Capsize. The boat slows to a stop and I jump up. When I walk back out everyone is there to greet me. My heart breaks. I see Jack his arm around Capsize protectively. Boo is standing next to a boy her age and when I step off the ship she's in my arms. "Jordan!" She sobs into my shoulder and I cry too. "I'm home Boo I'm here!" I tell her sitting her down. She runs back to the little boy and they both get bad looks. "Capsize." I say and walk towards her, and Jack. She jumps in my arms and wraps her legs around my waist. I hold her up and kiss her like I never have before. "I'm so sorry." I whisper in her ear and set her down. "Welcome home!" A woman says and then something happens. "Are you are you coming to the tree. They strung up a man they say who murdered three." She sings and I know its in Hanna's favor. We all sing but I only her Boo. She sounds just like Aurey, beautiful."

Time Skip

Capsize's Pov

I sit on the couch while Jardon puts Boo to bed. I close my eyes and sigh. Should I tell him? Would he hate me if I did? "Capsize." Jardon says his voice soft as silk. He sits next to me. I lay my head on his bare chest and throw my legs over his, to where I'm sitting on his lap. "I love you." He whispers kissing my head. "I love you too." I reply. I let my hand slide down to Jardon's abs, which I'd only ever seen once. He shivers and I blush. I look up at him and he whips around to where he's on top of me. I giggle as his lips crash into mine and I feel tension start growing. Jardon licks my bottom lip asking for permission to stick his tongue in mh mouth. I give him permission and sparks fly.

Time Skip

Capsize's Dream

Jardon kisses me more and more just as the first bomb hits. Then another I hear Boo cry out but I can't move. Then my brother! "Jardon we need to help them!" I manage to make out between kisses. Nothing happens then blackness.


I jolt back awake still in Jardon's arms. I turn and bury my head in his chest. "Morning beautiful." He whispers and Boo runs down. "I'm going to see Joey!" She giggles and me and Jardon laugh. "Okay have fun!" Jardon giggles. I hear the door shut then open again. "Capsize!" I hear Jack's voice boom. I break free from Jardon's arms and stand to find Jack staring back at me. "What is this!" He says his voice wavering. I feel my eyes tear up we'd only kissed a few times. "Jack I...."

Jordan's Pov

I get up and stand behind Capsize. "You said you loved me!" He says tears collecting in his eyes and in my own. "What do you mean she said she loved you!" I snap in reply. "Stay out of this six pac." Jack says and I feel more anger and hurt start to rise in me. "You said once he got back you'd get rid of him! And we could be happy....." Boo cuts him off she's screaming my name. "Boo!" I yell back running out to find a older boy holding her by her neck. "You think we think it's okay to have one of you here!" He yells and there's a group of adults watching! "Let her go." I say and the boy obeys.

Boo's Pov

I fall and hit the ground just at Joey's feet. We hold each other and I cry. "You think this is okay!" A soft sweet voice says and I feel her hand on my back. "Ianite." Jordan says and I feel him drop at her feet. "Her kind is dangerous! His follower threatened to bomb us again!" Jack says and I start to tremble as Ianite helps me up. I hold my hand over my eye as I stand beside her. "She's Dianite's child Ianite! A monster! He nearly killed you and now you trust this child!" Jack says and Jordan cuts in. "She's not a monster! You are Jack and the rest of you for thinking that about a perfectly fine child!" I help Joey up and when he sees what I'm doing he swats my hand back and laces my hand with his own. "Joey!" One of the other girls yell and I blush. "Boo." Ianite says and I release Joey's hand. "My.....l" I can't say it! What if this isn't what I believe! Wait no I belong here. "She can't say it." Jack says and I look at the ground. "Boo its okay look at me." Ianite says and I look up. Jordan nods when I glance at him. "This isn't going to happen anymore....." I feel Jasmine's gaze and I start to get nervous. "Boo?" Jordan says amd I turn to see Jasmine staring back at Ianite. "Jasmine." Jack says grabbing her arm and I sigh. This is far from over. "I'm your niece." She says and her eyes flash crystal blue. "Jasmine Mianite didn't have children." Ianite says releasing her grip on my soulder. I move back over to Joey's side and I can feel him trembling. "Yes he did he had me. You have to trust me!" Then poof Ianite's gone. People start to fade out and before I know it its just me, Joey, Jordan, Capsize, and Joey's mom. "Joey lets go home amd clean you up." She says and Joey hugs me. "I'm sorry I tried to..." he starts but breaks down into tears before he cam finish. "Its okay you tried that's all that matters. See you tomorrow?" He nods and we all go pur seperate ways.

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