What Now

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Boo's Pov

"Boo wake up its me." A voice cries. "Its me! Felix! You have to remember!" He sobs. "Felix calm down we don't know of he wiped her memory." A soft voice says and I let my eyes flutter open. To my right is a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes. She's dressed in a short black dress and black heels. Then to my left is a man. Strong looking with blonde hair. He's wearing a white suit and a white tie. The center of his suit is stained red with blood. "Boo you're awake thank god!" Felix says and attempts to hug me but I shove away. "Don't touch me! Every just stay away!" I yell and I tremble all over. "Boo its okay we're safe." He says again and comes closer. I kick at him and scream. Who are these people and why are they trying to help me! "Felix just stay back its clear she's dangerous." The lady says and I know that I know her from somewhere I just don't know where. "Ianite you can fix it. Can't you like you did Mianite." Felix says and Ianite shakes her head. "I'm sorry Felix." She says and the man to my left sits up. "Mianite lay back down." A man says walking over beside Felix. He's holding a small child who seems to be uninjured. "Boo" the man says and sits at the edge of my bed. "Stay away!" I yell and his eyes water up. "Boo please I'm Jordan its okay your safe now." He says but I don't believe him for a second. "Jordan its no use. I'll keep her till either her memory surfaces or someone else claims her." Mianite says and I glance over at him. "Is she ready to go Wag." Ianite says and a wizard in the corner nods. "I'll put her to sleep then Thomas (synhd) and Tucker can carry her to Mianite's safe room." He finishes. "No don't!" I yell as he gently presses a rag over my nose and everything goes foggy.

Jordan's Pov

I watch as Tom and Tucker carry Boo away. I can't believe Dianite had the guts to wipe her memory! Even of him! "Why did he do it!" I sob handing Wag Jocelyn and sitting at the foot of Capsize's bed. "It was the guilt. He knew he messed up with her. Wanted her to forget any thought of anything. I couldn't even being to imagine how he must feel...." Mianite cuts Wag off. "Locked away forever in that temple of his to rot! I never want to hear his name again! Its forbidden!" He urges and Capsize starts crying again. "Hey. Shhh it's okay. Its okay." I say holding her. She's in shock still and will eventually will get over it. "I'm here. I'm here." I whisper calming her down just a bit. "When can I get out of here." She whispers and I shake my head. "Soon." I reply kissing her forehead. "Wag!" Tucker yells and I get up. "Stay back or I'll fire again!" Boo yells and I shake my head. Wag and I run to the Mianite temple to find Boo cornered by Tom (synhd) and Tucker is down bleading pretty bad. "Won't need stitches but go back to Dec's." Wag says and Tucker hobbles off. "Tom (synhd) back off" I say and he doesn't move. "No! I can help her!" He replies and Boo attacks. She pins Tom (synhd) to the wall her hands over his throat. "Boo!" Wag yells running and covering her nose with the chlorophyll. She falls back into his arms and Wag picks her up bridal style. "Tom go home make sure Hanna is okay Jordan you stay with me just in case." I nod and Tom (synhd) runs off. Wag walks me into Mianite's safe room witch is under the eagle in the temple. He gently lays her on the small bed that rests down there. I kiss her forehead and let a tear fall. "Lets go before she wakes up" Wag says and I walk out. He shuts and locks the door. "Only Mianite will ever have the key she's 8 and is as bad infected as Dianite was whem he was 17. She could kill us all with just one fit." Wag says and we walk back to Dec's.

Capsize's Pov

I hold my baby girl who Dianite attempted to murder! He's so fucking heartless! A heartless monster! Jocelyn starts to cry and Ianite hands me a bottle. "Thank you!" I snap and feed baby girl. "Its okay we're safe here. Where....." Jardon gently takes Jocelyn out of my hands and hold her. "Jordan can I talk to you." Felix says and Jardon hands me Jocelyn.

Jordan's Pov

Felix and I walk outside and he sits down. I join him amd he sighs. "Ianite and I want your permission to adopt Boo. That is if she gets better." He says and I feel my heart shatter. "Felix I trust Ianite. With all my heart but I don't know if..." Felix stops me "I'm not my dad Jordan you can trust me." He blurts and I feel anger heat inside me. "Well she's Aurey's kid and Aurey wanted me to raise her!" I snap amd Felix shakes his head "Yeah will I'm Aurey's son! Jordan there are things she didn't tell you! I'm one of those things! You know what screw it you know who's not here!" Felix yells and I know he's as mad as I am. "Twisted and Tom (wizard)! They knew! Wag didn't point it out Tom did! Tom is heart broken Jordan! Why don't we let the wizards deal with her! Because I need you as much as you need me." Felix says and I nod. "Sounds like a deal." I whisper and I get up. "Where are you going!" Felix yells as I walk off. "Tell Capsize I went to see Tom (wizard)!" I yell back and I run towards Tom's (synd) house. The second I walk through the door Hanna is in my arms. "What now." She sobs and I cry with her. "What now." She cries again. We all sit down in front of the fireplace and I start thinking. What now. What happens next. "Marry her." Hanna says as if she read my mind. "Capsize. Marry her its time Jordan" she finishes and I shake my head. What's next! Do I Marry Capsize? I know I love her but what about Aurey. "Jordan Aurey she's gone. I know she wants you to this. All she ever wanted was for you to be happy." Hanna says and I sigh. Do I Marry Capsize?


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