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It has been a almost a week since the kiss with Alejandro and both of us have been acting like it never happened. I guess that's okay because nothing is awkward between us, but it just makes me want him more.

Alexia had grilled me asking so many questions about what happened with Alejandro and I after we left the dance. She got nowhere though, I don't kiss and tell.

The four of us sat at a booth waiting for our pizza, before starting our roller skating. My head was laying on Alejandro's shoulder as they all chat about something, while I was zoned out.

"You alright? It lowkey looks like you don't want to be here." Alejandro chuckles quietly to me, causing me to lift my head off his shoulder.

"Yeah Im cool, I'm just hungry and kind of bored." I reply with a shrug and making one of those scrunched faces on accident.

"We Can go to the rank real quick, I mean we already have the skates on. Though you'll probably have to hold my hand like I'm a child because I haven't been here in years." Alejandro suggests with a small laugh.

"Guys, we're heading to the rank for a few, call me when our snacks are at the table." I wave to Alexia and Kairi as Alejandro starts his struggle to the rank.

"I would race you to the rank but you'd probably fall on your face if you say you're as bad as you say." I chuckle playfully with an eye roll.

We went around the whole rank probably 3 times before Alexia called me. But Alejandro spent the whole time on the wall with me pretty much dragging him and having to push him around little kids.

"You act like you've never been skating." I tease as we sit back down at the booth, "you were maybe as good as the little boy that was probably 9 you got stuck behind on the wall."

"Damn you really did him like that." Kairi chuckles grabbing a second slice from the pizza.

"Hold your god damn horses fatty." Alexia jokes to Kairi who was on his second piece and she was barely half way done with her first.


The night was coming to an end, Alexia and Kairi had left 30 minutes ago to catch a movie, leaving Alejandro and I skating in a nearly empty and closing skating rank.

"To be honest you're a fast learner, after I broke my arm it took me like three hours straight to get the basics of it again. It only took so long because my pussy ass was procrastinating." I chuckle as we take a water break.

"You broke your arm? They really ain't lying when they say you learn something new everyday." Alejandro states with a small laugh.

"I don't ever get any good timing to pop that story in without being random and off topic, now was a good moment." I shrug as we head back in the rank area for our last runs.

I try to hold in laughter as Alejandro trips over himself until he takes me down with him. We lie on the nasty floor, partially in the way of the few people left.

"Stop being dramatic and get yo ass up, I know my crusty ass didn't just get up before yours." Alejandro chuckles finally placing his hand in front of me to help me up.

BREAK MY HEART | alejandro rosarioWhere stories live. Discover now