Chapter 3

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Taehyung ran a finger across his lips to gather the smudge of blood.It's just another day for Kim Taehyung,acting up has been in his blood since he was born.Ki bum was calling again,what does this shit want again?He had expected Ki bum to not call him after the last time he had threatened him to fire him.He had two reasons to hate Ki bum.One,the guy was his father's secretary and two,he was his brother's friend.He is pretty sure the guy got the job through his brother.Taehyung waited for the call to end but once it ended,it started again.Taehyung shook his head in annoyance before picking up the call,"What the hell do you want?"
"Master Taehyung-"
"Stop with your fake courtesies and tell me what's this about"
"Your father has called you to attend tomorrow's dinner at Kims Mansion.Your brothers would be attending along with their partners too"
"What?! Tell my father to not play this dirty game on me.I am not coming"
"You should tell him that yourself.Good night Young master",Ki bum said coolly and cut the phone.Taehyung was surprised at how Ki bum acted,but that can wait.What's with his brothers accepting the dinner invite and they have partners now? Taehyung kicked his leg in anger at the nearby lamp post to stop and howl in pain.He chucked his phone out again to call his cousin.

"Well,Hello there Cousin",Jungkook dramatically started.
"Come pick me up,I don't know where I am",Taehyung said quickly.
"Why?Are you drunk?You can't drive?"
"Stop asking questions",Taehyung snapped.
"Find someone else if you can't answer me",Jungkook was just as adamant.Taehyung tried his best to not shout into the receiver.
"I was in this club",Taehyung said as he looked upto read the board but the sign was hanging down making it hard to read,"and then Dad took my car away and they threw me out.Took all my money",Taehyung waved his left hand in air in frustration.
"Okay,okay.Leave me the live location.I'll find you",Jungkook said and Taehyung immediately cut the call to send the location.He was swiping through his phone when someone ran into him sending them both down onto the ground.

"the hell?!"

Taehyung rolled aside to prevent himself from hitting the curb and looked at his side.He watched as the boy who bumped into him quickly sprang up and grab the books and bag spread infront of them, all the while keeping his eyes on the alley behind them.
"am sorry,am sorry..I didn't mean to-",The boy was shaking uncontrollably.Taehyung looked at him suspiciously before following his gaze to the alleyway to see three huge men standing there in the shadows.The boy was clearly running from them.The men slid around in shadows keeping their eyes on the boy.
"Are..are you okay?",Taehyung asked and the boy raised his head to meet Taehyung's eyes.He had fear etched into them.He send one another glance at the shadows and finished picking up everything.
"I am okay",The boy said quietly and he stood up and bowed,"am sorry,I'll get going"
Taehyung watched as the boy quickened his paces and the giants from the shadow came out to follow him and did at an alarming aggression. Taehyung took a deep breath and shook his head mumbling to himself,"Can't bear witness so better stop"

"Hey,am sorry",Taehyung called out to the boy and the boy stopped in his tracks not knowing why Taehyung was apologizing.
"Look,I didn't mean to hurt you.I was being stupid.Don't get angry and walk away now",Taehyung was saying and the boy raised his eyebrows at him.
"What's your name?",Taehyung asked in a slight whisper as he got to him.
"Ji..Jimin",Jimin said,confused.
"Won't you forgive me,Jiminah?",Taehyung pouted.If Jimin had only heard about multiple personality disorder,now he knows in person how that is.
"Forgive you for what?I was the one who bumped into you"
"Am saving your ass.So act like it",Taehyung gritted.
That's when Jimin went 'oh' and said,"I'll.. have to think if I can forgive you"
Taehyung dramatically turned around walking away a few feet and coming back slowly,"not even if I kiss you and say sorry"
Single and virgin all his life,Jimin never had anyone say that to him.He gazed at this pretty man and wait,He knows this pretty man.He is all over the news every single day.

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