Chapter 49

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Hoseok and Namjoon didn't return the night and although not widely concerned,everyone did ask questions.Namjoon texted Jin that everything was fine so they let it be.The morning came with Yoongi standing outside Taehyung's room.Taehyung opened the door and before he could ask what Yoongi was doing infront of his door,Yoongi acknowledged Jimin,"Can we leave?"
"To where?", Taehyung perked up.
"I am going to town,I want someone to come along",Yoongi calmly stated.
"Ask your boyfriend",Taehyung said and Jimin slapped lightly on Taehyung's arm asking him to behave.
"But you said we can go on a date today", Taehyung sulked as he rubbed his hand a bit too harshly.
"That's in the evening.I'll be back by then",Jimin said and patted him as he made his way out.Taehyung's lips twisted , the jealousy creeping up him,as he watched Yoongi directing Jimin down the stairs.

But then Jin interrupted them when they were just out the door,"Jimin,I need your account number"
"For what?",Jimin was suddenly defensive but Jin shrugged coolly,"Just give me the account number,Jimin!"
"I won't unless you tell me why,Hyung",Jimin crossed his arm over his chest.
"Fine! I am borrowing money from Moonbyul for your surgery.Since my cards are deactivated by my father beloved,I can't let her put the money in there,we can't use it so I want her to transfer it into your account"
Jimin stared at Kim Seokjin like he laid eyes on a new entity.Yoongi shifted his weight on his legs from one to the other,awkwardly.
"I can't allow it",Jimin finally said.
"Just give it to him, Jimin",Yoongi carefully overstepped the boundaries but Jimin let out a breath,"You can't be serious"
"You know what? I have ways to find those details.Go on",Jin said offhandedly and Jimin was furious,"Hyung, you can't-"
"Jimin,I am not listening to you"
Jimin was angry as Jin brushed past him and he followed Jin to the lane.
"Hyung,I told you-" but then Jin turned around swiftly,"I promised you that I won't tell Taehyung what's happening but I can't risk your life.So I won't care what you are asking me to do"
Jin said as he got into the car and Jimin was left frozen.
Yoongi tugged him forward.He didn't know what's going to be Jimin's reaction once he finds out that they were going to the doctor,not the town.

Taehyung had watched everything from his windows, he couldn't make out the conversation but he knew Jimin looked stressed.Taehyung tried to forget it but it just made him more anxious.


"Hoseok",Namjoon called,they had stayed the night at Jackson's place cause Hoseok said he wasn't ready yet.Jackson,although nosy at most times,decided he shouldn't ask anything when Namjoon walked in with a sombre Hoseok.Hoseok had stayed awake most of the night and Namjoon kept asking him to rest and at some hour Hoseok gave into the burning behind his eyelids and fell asleep.
"How are you?",Namjoon asked as Hoseok sat up straight ,feeling puffy.
"I am okay",He said.He leant against the headboard not wanting to leave the bed just yet.Namjoon checked his phone and found there were few messages from Jin and Ki bum.
"We should go home",He said and watched Hoseok nod tiredly as he got off the bed.He dressed and checked his reflection,eyes puffed up and a swollen face to add.
"I'll wait downstairs",Namjoon said,allowing Hoseok the time he needed and thought he owed Jackson atleast a gist of an explanation.Hoseok sat back on the bed to pull his socks up and then the thread of his thoughts pulled.Over and over, it had clouded his mind.Although it started from his family,it ended in getting away from this place.This place gives him pain but a voice in the back of his head said that he was too afraid to face his fears.Although a part of him knew that,he hated to admit it.He'd just believe that he hated this place.He needed out.

When the first wave of Yoongi tricking Jimin inorder to bring him to the  hospital had washed over, Jimin insisted Yoongi should stay outside the consulting room as he went in.Yoongi was growing anxious as he paced the corridor.It had been more than a hour and Yoongi was getting impatient and so were the  other people in line.Finally a nurse peeked out of the room,"Who came with Park Jimin?"
Yoongi quickly responded and she lead him in, Jimin was sitting on the examination table,his eyes on the floor.Yoongi threw a worried glance at him before taking a seat opposite to the doctor.
"You are his..?",The doctor started.
"I'm his brother",Yoongi quickly replied.The doctor nodded and re-adjusted his poise to face Yoongi,he nodded at the Nurse,who directed Jimin to the other room.The doctor made sure Jimin was out of sight before he started talking again,"He is in critical condition,He needs to be hospitalised immediately"
Yoongi's lips parted and he kept his eyes still.
"We need to do the surgery as soon as possible",The doctor said and he looked worried,himself.Anything he said after that bounced off Yoongi's mind as he thought of ways to convince him.
"Excuse me",The doctor said as he noticed Yoongi's mind tarrying away.
"Am sorry",Yoongi wiped over his mouth in stress and sighed heavily,"I am sorry, I just- ,How long", Yoongi's breath caught in his chest but he made it out,"How long do we have?"
The doctor sighed,"Not more than a month, I'm sorry"

When Yoongi walked out with Jimin's hand safe in his,his heart was aching.He had plans made for the younger,he is going to save him.
"Hyung",Jimin called and Yoongi sighed,"I know,am not telling anyone"
Jimin smiled innocently and he looked around,"I'll treat you to ice-cream"
"I thought you had a date with Taehyung"
"That's not until 5,come on",Jimin dragged Yoongi ahead.

Kim Ilwoo had let his son have this day.It's not like Taehyung asked for any permission but when he lingered outside his bedroom,Il woo couldn't help but ask what was keeping him on his toes and Taehyung had replied that he wants to take Jimin out and Il woo assumed that's as close as he can get to asking for permission to go out and Il woo just replied with which car he could take.Taehyung was more than happy when he got the key from the drivers.Now he just have to wait for Jimin to come home.And not too long after,Yoongi dropped Jimin off before he went back to work.Jimin was continuously apologizing as he left Taehyung in the living room to get a change.
Taehyung lazily waited around in the living room,sometimes falling against the couch and sometimes examining the giant clock for the millionth time.Only few minutes passed but Taehyung wouldn't agree.

"Let's go",Jimin said as he skipped down the stairs and Taehyung looked around to see Jimin in an oversized yellow hoodie and cargo shorts,his hands disappearing under the long sleeves.His bangs laid neatly just above his eyes and he wore a pretty smile.The smile that spread across his lips ignited another one on Taehyung's lips.Taehyung was falling into Jimin more,Slowly but surely.
"God!",He let out as Jimin came closer to him.
"Why's your lips shining?", Taehyung slipped out and Jimin touched his lips and remembered,"I used a Chapstick.It was so dry"
"Maybe we can stay in bed and you can tell me about Chapsticks",Taehyung said and Jimin laughed as he pulled Taehyung outside.

A/n:Soooooo thoughts?It's a double update.Move onto read chapter you my lovelies

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