Chapter 9

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"Jimin,come and talk with me",Kim Ilwoo spoke as he saw Jimin sitting by the kitchen table,books spread open and laptop running ,doing his class work.
Hyeojoo was in the middle of placing another set of gimbap for Jimin.Jimin stood up almost immediately and thought he was going to get scolded for working on the kitchen table but Il woo had the warmest smile and that somehow reassured Jimin.Hyeojoo nodded encouragingly,she had grown to like Jimin over the short course of the time.He was unarguably her favourite of the three newcomers.Jimin walked over to Ilwoo and the old man placed a hand over Jimin's shoulder and guided him into the office room close by.

Hyeojoo arranged Jimin's things to one end of the table and Hoseok walked in.
"Ajhumma,can I get a glass of water?",He said as he propped over the chair Jimin was sitting earlier.If it was Hyeojoo's own son,she would have slapped sense into him but she smiled and complied.Hoseok was munching into the Gimbaps made for Jimin.
"These are nice",He said,chewing down on another one.
"I made these for Jimin"
"Oh,nice",Hoseok didn't seem to care as he reached for another one.
"What do you think they are talking about,Ajhumma?",Hoseok was curious.
Hyeojoo shrugged and went on with her work.Hoseok was getting bored,all day sitting around and not really doing anything.He had tried to venture into the mansion and always ended up getting lost, needing to call out to one of the maids to bring him back to the room.After a while,he was just tired of doing it.He pulled Jimin's books closer to him and started flipping through.Hyeojoo didn't like it a bit but she shouldn't say anything.Just when Hyeojoo had thought,she had enough, Taehyung walked in.Taehyung's eyes fell onto Hoseok and he slid the notes back to the pile and smiled,"Jimin wouldn't want his works messed up"

"Oops",Hoseok put his hands up and smiled,"I was just curious"
"Where is Jimin?",Taehyung asked Hyeojoo and as a reply the door to the left opened and out walked Il woo and Jimin.Honestly the shock on Taehyung's face was evident.Did Jimin snitch on him? Taehyung quickly walked over to them and grabbed Jimin by hand.
"Ah",Jimin let out by the sudden action.
"Taehyung!",Il woo warned him.
"Don't talk to him,what do you even want?",Taehyung snarled at Il woo and pulled him up into his room.Hoseok and Hyeojoo was left shocked and so was Il woo.

"Ah,Taehyung.It hurts",Jimin said as he freed himself from Taehyung's clutches.
"What did my father ask you?",his face has twisted into something evil,something hostile and Jimin was honestly terrified.
"Nothing important",Jimin said as he rubbed his hands over the now reddening skin.
"Don't you dare lie to me,did you tell him everything?",Taehyung stepped closer to Jimin threateningly.
"What?! No.We didn't talk about you"
"What else do you have to talk about?"
"Nothing,he was asking me about my college.I promise",Jimin stepped back,his back colliding against the wall.
Jimin gasped at the warning in Taehyung's voice,he looked up at Taehyung and said," are scaring me"
Whatever threats and words were supposed to come out of Taehyung's mouth seized.His eyes met Jimin's as tears pooled in them.Taehyung was taken aback.The silence stretched as a single tear slid down Jimin's cheeks.Taehyung breathed out and stepped back.Without a word,he left.


Jin hummed as he laid back in the reception of Central prime,where he was supposed to work.Actually this is not as bad as he has thought.He had started this morning and  had sat here all relaxed ordering the receptionists,bell boys and valets around.He had a wonderful extravaganza lunch and now he was resting.
"Ms.Ji,Get me something to drink..something cold",He called out to one of the receptionists and the surprise on her face was undeniable.She was talking to a guest right then and she decided to continue  with her work.
"Ms.Ji,What did I just say?!"
"Give me two minutes,sir",she bowed lightly as she typed in the details of the guest.
"Wow...Do you know who I am? Do you wanna keep this job?", Jin put his leg down and sat upright.
"Sir,am sorry",Ms.Ji abandoned the guest right away and bowed continuously.Jin smirked as he recieved the respect he demanded but then suddenly Ms.Ji looked behind him and stopped bowing.Without another word,she went back to work.Jin was utterly confused,he turned around to look what she had saw and without  warning,something fell on his forehead and he slipped off the chair to the floor.He rubbed his forehead and looked up to see a lady standing at his foot.
"Ah,imo..",Realization set in Jin as he saw his mother's sister,Ku se hyu.
Se hyu pinched Jin's ears as he got up letting out sounds of pain and dismay.

"Did you forget who monitors Central prime?",She said as she dragged her nephew from the reception to the lobby.
"Imo,let go.People are watching",He said as he tried to wriggle out of her hold.
"People are watching ?!! Do you know what else people watched? You being an absolute obnoxious person since the morning.Who are you to order around my employees?",Se hyu's voice was only raising and Jin looked around in discomfort.
"It's my father' s hotel though",Jin mumbled.
"What did you say?"
"I missed you?",Jin grimaced and he then clearly knew,his days aren't going to be as good as he thought in here.


"So like bro,your brother was flipping all of a sudden and was all loud.Shit,gotta say he scared me too bro.What's he got against your father so much?You should have seen it bro",Hoseok was laying on the bed,eating popcorns  off a bowl and explaining about the day's happenings to a tired Namjoon,who was changing his clothes.He turned around to look at Hoseok,"Could you stop calling me bro?"
Hoseok looked confused and stopped mid-chewing.

"I don't appreciate my dad or brothers hearing my boyfriend call me bro,it's weird",Namjoon said as he pulled his tie off.Hoseok renewed chewing,"For one second,I thought you fell for me or something"
Namjoon couldn't help but scoff,who would fall for a f*ckboy.He disappeared into the bathroom as Hoseok kept ranting.

A/n:Sorry it took longer than I anticipated but I was thinking to take down this story since there weren't many readers.Like maybe you were all bored and then I found I got few dedicated readers who never failed to amaze me by continuously following me with "when are you updating"..hehe,I love you

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