Chapter 10

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"Are you freaking drunk?",Jin scowled at a swaying Yoongi,trying his best to support on the front door.Jin was called down by the maid since Yoongi was too weak to make it up the stairs.Jin had to plead the maid to not let his father know.He swung Yoongi's arm over his shoulder and placed the other around his waist and heaved him onto himself.Jin scrunched his nose in disgust of the alcohol that escaped Yoongi along with vomit.Jin looked around at the living room,thankfully his father sleeps early and his brothers doesn't seem to be up.He pulled Yoongi closer and grunted as he made towards their room.
"What if my father saw you,you idiot?",He mumbled under his breath as he kicked the door close behind him and dropped Yoongi onto the couch.He dusted off his own shirt and pulled the collar to smell.The odour has passed onto him too.Jin took off his shirt and threw it over Yoongi.

"What the hell is wrong with you?Atleast you shouldn't have come here!!",Jin pulled open the closet to find another t-shirt.Yoongi mumbled something but it didn't make any sense.He slid to the side and soon enough he was on the floor.Jin tried not to shout and took a deep breath,"Good thoughts Seokjin,Life is all good..Life is so nice..You are handsome,you are perfect",he chanted to himself and as he  heard Yoongi throw up on the floor and a disastrous odour followed.


"This is an artistical piece from the 18th century.We still don't know who painted it",Ki bum gestured at the painting infront of him.He was visiting his best friend at the cultural museum.Namjoon gazed at the painting and said,"I haven't seen these kind of strokes.It's very delicate"
Ki bum nodded.Namjoon had thought working in the museum would be hard and boring.It was hard,yes cause he had to clean up all three floors alone and learn about every pieces in the museum so that he will have to further serve as a guide.He didn't like the guide part but he sure loved to learn and it was fascinating.Yesterday he had spend hours infront of a sculpture of a woman debating whether the woman had a smile or whether she was in pain.He still hadn't figured out.
"So you liking the feel of it?",Ki bum turned around at Namjoon and Namjoon still had his eyes fixed on the painting.
"It's not bad compared to Jin hyung's.. considering the work and imo watching over him",Namjoon took a step back,"But it's tiring"

"You could always join the company",Ki bum suggested.Namjoon put his hands up in surrender almost immediately,"No,thanks..Alright, I'll see you around then"
Namjoon began to walk away but Ki bum interrupted,"Hoseok is fake,isn't he?"
Namjoon stopped in his tracks,unable to decide whether to turn around or not but he then dared and raised a hand to wave bye,"See you around,Kibumie"


"So what happened again,young master Jin?",Hyeojoo said gesturing at the floor as one of the maids cleaned the mess.Yoongi was sleeping peacefully,he hadn't woke up yet and Jin thinks it's alright if he doesn't for a while.
"He ate the wrong food,Threw up..blargh",Jin imitated throwing up.
"So you left him on the bed and went to sleep in the guest room",Hyeojoo crossed her arms in doubt and Jin rubbed his neck before answering,"He was on the floor.Atleast I put him on the bed"
"I'll make him some soup before he wakes up ",Hyeojoo declared as she followed the maid out and closed the door behind.
Jin turned to look at Yoongi in the midst of big bundles of blankets,almost invisible.His crop of hair peeking out and an arm hanging off the bed.Jin sighed,he was already late to go to work and now his aunt is not going to let him hear the end of it.


Taehyung couldn't understand Hoseok at all.Staying indoors is physically and mentally killing him while Hoseok is staying indoors 24/7 casually walking around the house for the umpteenth time and making detours to the kitchen in search of food,watching random dramas and series.How do someone live like that? Taehyung was fascinated rather than being disgusted.
"Hello,brother in law",Hoseok waved at Taehyung from the pool side as Taehyung took off his shirt to take a swim.
"I don't even consider that douche my brother,what's with brother in law?",He mumbled before he brought his legs together and took a dive.Hoseok let out a small scream as water splashed over him.Taehyung doesn't know how long he swam, when he stopped for a break Hoseok had already gone.He found the swim refreshing and stayed in the pool till the evening set.He passed his brothers bickering in the living room and went straight ahead to his room.He wasn't expecting Jimin to be there.Seems like he had skipped his part time job for the night.Jimin was sleeping over a pile of books,mouth hanging open awkwardly and a pen loosely held between fingers.Taehyung contemplated whether to wake him up or not.But before he decided anything,Jimin woke up on his own.
"Sorry",was the first word that came out of his mouth as he grabbed all the books together and left the room.Taehyung wanted to stop him and tell him he can work in the room itself but Jimin was gone.Taehyung listened to his brothers greeting Jimin downstairs and they were no longer bickering but laughing at something Hoseok said.Taehyung felt anger pool in the pit of his stomach but couldn't quite put a finger on what he was feeling and why.


The laughter in the living room went silent when the main door opened and in came Yoongi,looking clearly tired.
"Are you okay,Hyung?",Jimin was the one who asked.Yoongi waved a hand at him indicating he was fine and silently went up the stairs.The others exchanged glances.
"He seems like he got beat up",Hoseok confirmed their suspicions.
"Did you beat him up cause he threw up on your precious duvet,hyung?",Namjoon asked sincerely.
"Pfft,I could get a hundred of that",Jin said.
"You should go check on him , hyung",Jimin urged and Jin sighed.He didn't want to raise any doubts so he followed Yoongi.When Jin opened the door,he saw Yoongi struggling to take off his shirt and there were bruises on his chest and shoulders.Jin was alarmed indeed,he rounded Yoongi and asked,"What happend with you?"
"Nothing",Yoongi tried to quickly put his shirt back on but his arm wouldn't let him,"Argh!"
"Aren't you gonna tell me or what?",Jin said as he helped Yoongi take off his shirt.
"I didn't do anything.Ki won got into a fight and I was helping him",Yoongi's voice was a low-growl clearly in pain.
"Ki won who,your employee?"
Yoongi hummed as a reply.Jin didn't ask anything further and pulled out the first aid kit from his drawer.Rejecting Yoongi's whining and labelling the gesture as avoiding his father's questioning of not taking care of his boyfriend,Jin started to clean his wounds.Gently rubbing the soaked cotton over Yoongi's bruises,slowly and carefully.Yoongi let out a hiss at times.Jin was rubbing the cotton over Yoongi's chest, thinking there would be exactly where Yoongi's heart be and then he noticed.His heart was beating fast.Jin looked up at Yoongi,confused.His fingers replaced the cotton and he was overwhelmed with so many emotions.Jin's eyes latched onto the red bruise by Yoongi's lips and blinked.Without understanding what was exactly happening,Jin leaned in to close the distance between them.

A/N:I am evil so I leave cliffhangers.What do you think Jin is feeling all of a sudden.
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