Chapter 46

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Jimin coughed up blood onto the sink,clutching the sides and groaning in pain.Another uncomfortable itch crept up his throat and he gagged one more time spitting another blob of blood.He looked up and the reflection in the mirror scared him out of his wits,he was very tired.Pale and almost close to fainting, strands of red lines stretched from his lips down his chin and he washed his face vigorously.Once done,he sat back onto the bathing tub and breathed.The air wasn't enough,he collapsed onto the floor.Tears marred his soft features as they shamelessly fled over his cheeks to the floor.He tried to stiffle his cry,not that anyone was in the mansion.There was a board meeting of stake holders and everyone had left and Jimin was early from work since his manager send him home for the day seeing as Jimin looked really sick.Knowing his cries would barely make into the kitchen where Hyeojoo was,he cried.Loud sobs erupted over the cold tiles and filled up the interior.Jimin wanted to get up,do things but his limbs were weak.His body wanted him dead and he was more than willing to give in at the moment.His heart strived nevertheless.

"Let me live",Jimin's voice tiredly reflected off the floor and he took a breath,reaching his hands over to open the door to let more air in.His phone lay over the counter and he needed someone right now.Following the three failed attempts,the phone finally gave in and Jimin contemplated whom he should call, who would get him out of there.His finger hovered over Ki bum's name but he won't probably see since he was in the meeting,so would Jin and reluctantly,he pressed 'Yoongi'.

Jimin's eyes fell heavy after he practically grunted words into the receiver.His face pressed against the cold bathroom floor and hands lazily cupping the phone is how Yoongi found Jimin.
Yoongi's heart was fighting to break it's cage as he desperately called out for Jimin and after a while, Jimin growled letting him know that he was still in there.

"Come on,let's get you up",Yoongi said as he heaved Jimin up.Jimin tried to help but was too weak and Yoongi didn't complain.With all his might,Yoongi hoisted Jimin up.
"I..I..wanna lie..lie down",Jimin said and Yoongi directed him onto the bed.
"We should go to hospital",Yoongi said as he lowered Jimin onto the bed and Jimin shook his head.
"Stop being fu*king stubborn , Jimin",Yoongi was angry but Jimin closed his eyes and let himself relax.Yoongi knelt by his bedside,"Jimin, please"
When Jimin didn't respond,Yoongi announced,"I am calling Taehyung",Yoongi said and before he could reach the phone,Jimin weakly pleaded,grabbing a handful of Yoongi's shirt,"I beg you,please.."
Yoongi couldn't reply,nor could he dial Taehyung,"Would you atleast go to the doctor?I'll come with you"
"I won't tell Taehyung or Jin hyung..On condition that you'd visit the doctor"

Jimin nodded lightly and Yoongi sighed,he pulled the blankets over Jimin.When Yoongi was about to leave and let Jimin get his rest,Jimin latched onto his hand.
"I am scared to fall asleep.Could you stay until I do? ",It was a simple request but Yoongi's heart broke nevertheless.He nodded as he pulled a chair beside Jimin and held his hand.Hours snailed away and Jimin fell asleep.Yoongi stared to make sure Jimin's chest was slowly raising and falling.Yoongi cleaned up the bathroom and dabbed a wet cloth against Jimin's face and cleaned the blood on his shirt.By the time,he left and walked downstairs,the Kim party arrived.Taehyung was already undoing his coat as he eagerly closed the distance to the stairs.
"Taehyung",Yoongi called out and Taehyung eyed Yoongi in surprise.
"Jimin fell asleep early.He is a little stressed cause of work,let him sleep",Yoongi said and Taehyung waited a bit and finally nodded.He didn't ask or say anything.He just wanted to see Jimin.


Jungkook was smiling as he watched Dong yeon bargaining to the street vendor.He looked around to see if anyone else was watching them and finally he leant down to pull Dong yeon.
"One sec,Jungkook",She shook off Jungkook to continue the heated conversation but Jungkook couldn't bear it anymore.He pulled Dong yeon along as he walked.
"Ah..Jungkookah! I could have made him come down 1000 won more", Dong yeon struggled in his hands.
"If someone sees,I'll be doomed",Jungkook said as he rubbed his hands together and blew on it.
"Ha!! The Jeon empire isn't gonna fall if the heir bargains",Dong yeon laughed and Jungkook mocked her laughter.It was nice to have a friend,Jungkook did have friends but their conversations were always about the club that bought 'Daegu stallions' or whether the night club is open on wednesday night.It's good to know what a kilo of tomato cost.It's around 6500 won by the way.

"The ice skating rink is open",Jungkook pointed out at the billboard and Dong yeon looked up.Jungkook offered to take her but she waved it away,"No,that's too costly just to slide around in a bounded place"
Jungkook tilted his head and studied Dong yeon.
"The lake is frozen,let's go there"
"No!It's not safe"
"Oh,come on!!",Dong yeon pulled him along as she hailed for a cab as Jungkook kept protesting  that he had left the car by the mall and she waved it away.


Yoongi left a message to Jin that he was going to visit his brother and added a note to look out for Jimin,His mind wasn't settled and that's why he told Ki bum and Hoseok too to look out for the boy.He'd give an explanation to Hoseok later, nevertheless Hoseok had agreed.Jin only replied with an 'okay',that was weird but it's the least of his worries now.Yoongi exhaled as he stood infront of his brother's apartment and readied his mind for the chaos coming his way.His sister in law,a tired woman in a tainted apron and sunken eyes,opened the door and Yoongi bowed to greet her and she immediately aimed a light slap on his shoulder.
"Where the hell have you been?",She scolded as she closed the door behind him and Yoongi didn't reply,but just shielded himself from her rage.
"Samchoon~",a boy around at the age of three ran upto Yoongi and Yoongi picked him up,"ooh,Aigoo uri chanie"
He looked behind him at his sister in law and asked,"Is hyung really angry?"
"Ofcourse he is",She said and led them into the living room where Namgi sprawled across the living room,his eyes drooping as the TV kept running.Yoongi's sister in law took Chan off him and gave him a thumbs up.Yoongi made an attempt to grab her to stand with him but she abandoned.

"Hyung",Yoongi said hesitantly and Namgi sleepily turned around to see his only brother.It was a swift moment and eventhough Yoongi saw it,he didn't understand how his brother could stand up so fast.Namgi charged at his brother and Yoongi took his run around the apartment with his brother chasing him.
"You prick",The elder was snarling and Yoongi slid behind the door and pushed it against his brother,"I am sorry"
"I was bloody worried and you just walk in here like nothing happened!!",Namgi slid his hand through the creak and tried to tug at Yoongi.
"Let me explain,would you?",Yoongi tilted his head back to avoid his hyung's grabby hands.
"Would you two stop acting like kids!!",The lady of the house shouted and Namgi stepped back.Yoongi slowly opened the door but when it was open enough,Namgi barged out to grab his brother and put him in a headlock.His wife punched her husband with her fist to let him leave.
"Oh god!Please stop",She rubbed her head in frustration.
"This is exactly why I am not coming in here", Yoongi said,rubbing his upper arm.
"Come and have food first.Then fight or whatever!",She said and sighed before leaving.
"Did it hurt?",Namgi hesitantly asked his brother and Yoongi nodded.
"Good!",Namgi smiled, although he extended his hand to lead Yoongi along.

A/n; I read the comments about y'all wanting to have a happy ending.And am not changing the end I had thought of,Why would you think I like sad endings ?Am not saying I didn't write sad endings but I'm just asking.Am just confusing you but wouldn't it be a hazzle,if every couples had happy ending ..just asking
You know what..Have a good day lovelies

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