Chapter 15

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"Hey",Ki bum called out to Jimin as Jimin was exiting his campus and Jimin's face instantly lightened up.
"Ki bumie hyung!!",Jimin smiled widely as he walked over to the car.
"Why are you here?",He asked as Ki bum opened the door for him and he got in.
"Well,I was ordered by dear Jin hyung to take you to fitting for suit for the anniversary and I am more than happy to oblige",Ki bum smiled cheekily.
"Is it just me or does Jin hyung really have a soft spot for me?",Jimin couldn't help but ask and Ki bum confirmed,"He doesn't usually do stuff like these but yeah,he does seem to have a soft spot on you,now off we go"
The time Jimin spend with Ki bum was effortless,he didn't feel like he have to try and be someone else or keep up a facade.Jimin was being himself and smiling more at all the silly things Ki bum would say or crazy ideas he would suggest.And that's how they ended up doing more than just suit fitting,Ki bum had errands for selecting many things for the party and Jimin tagged along.And Wine tasting might be his favourite part.
"Ha!",Jimin sighed as he buckled his seat belt.Ki bum was still laughing at the way Jimin had staggered to another car on the way back.
"That man looked so shocked",Ki bum bursted into another fits of laughter.And Jimin sulked,folding his hands and looking out the window,a pout visible.
"Am sorry,sorry",Ki bum tried and Jimin shook his head.
"You are cute when you sulk"
"Ah, Hyung~",Jimin whined and Ki bum laughed again,reaching out to toussel Jimin's hair.

It was the day of the party finally and Namjoon was getting anxious but the minute.A part of him kept telling him that Jin is going to reveal his fake relationship infront of everyone.Namjoon already had innumerable nightmares on Jin snitching him and him getting kicked out,waking up sweaty and wide eyed every other night.He paced his room a couple of times as Hoseok fixed his hair,turning around infront of the mirror to check his reflection.
"What if someone else from the party recognizes you too?",Namjoon voiced out his thoughts.Hoseok huffed and pointed at himself in the mirror,"Noone ever saw me this decent ever, don't worry"
"Yeah,well just in case if Jin hyung decides to backstab me,I wanna tell him prior.I'll see you down later",But before Namjoon turned around,Hoseok grabbed his hands and turned him around.Namjoon was startled by the sudden closeness as Hoseok said,"Tuck in your shirt properly" and proceeded to tuck it in for him.Namjoon felt a chill run along his spine and jumped.He tucked in his shirt and quickly exited,leaving Hoseok confused.

"Are you telling me you are gonna wear this to my dad's party?",Jin sighed,sitting on his bed , as he scanned Yoongi for the umpteenth time.He had wore a blue ripped jeans,that was ripped too much for his own good, and an oversized shirt tucked in at the front.
"What's wrong with this? This is my party wear",Yoongi shrugged and Jin fell backwards onto his bed and quickly sat up when he remembered his well combed hair.
"It's not a party in the club.I brought you a suit already.Wear that",Jin was close to losing it and Yoongi still looked like he didn't understand yet he managed to say,"It has a bowtie,eww"
"Let's see",Jin said and brought out Yoongi's suit from the closet and started taking it out of it's wraps.Yoongi switched his weight from his left leg to the other and waited.Jin separated the pieces and said,"you can wear the shirt and leave the buttons open"
"And show the world my chest?"
"I didn't ask you to leave all buttons open.Now,take it off",Jin pulled Yoongi closer by the arms and forcefully started taking off his shirt,"I don't want to be humiliated,please"
"Hey,Hey..what are you doing?",Yoongi tried to push Jin away but then the door opened and Namjoon stood at the threshold,with Jimin by his side.Yoongi and Jin froze and Jin immediately let go off Yoongi,"It's not like what you think",Jin immediately said.
"How do you know what I was thinking?",Namjoon furrowed his brows and Yoongi quickly grabbed the suit and left to the bathroom.
"Hyung,I wanted to talk to you but um,Could you help Jimin with the tie?",Namjoon pushed Jimin lightly to Jin and Jin beckoned him.
"You don't know to do a tie?",Jin asked as he took the tie off Jimin's hands.Jimin shook his head lightly and Jin toussled his hair.Namjoon soon said bye and left when he saw Hoseok going down the stairs.
"How did Taehyung even land with someone like you?Is he threatening you with something?",Jin asked jokingly as he he fixed the tie around Jimin's neck.Jimin smiled awkwardly and said,"I do love him"
"You must be the only one",Jin declared and Jimin had nothing to say to that.
"Yoongi,we are going downstairs.Join us soon",Jin called out to the bathroom and a groan came as a reply.
"Isn't he a delight!",Jin smiled as he pulled Jimin along with him.
The living room had completely transformed into a giant ballroom,chandelier glimmering from the centre and tables pulled at the sides filled with delicacies.The hall was already filled with guests,drinks in hands and chatting amongst themselves.Jimin couldn't help but feel anxious and he unknowingly clutched onto Jin's coat.
"You okay?",Jin asked and Jimin nodded.
"Hey",Ki bum came through but stopped for a minute and then his face broke into a smile,"you look so handsome"
"I know",Jin said and realized it wasn't directed him but Jimin.He didn't care to correct anyway.
Jimin could feel heat creeping up his cheeks but he smiled back nevertheless.
"Where's Taehyungie hyung?",Jungkook joined the company and everyone shrugged.
"He said he won't come down",Jimin said and Jungkook rolled his eyes.He excused himself and left to bring Taehyung down.But Taehyung still didn't arrive,even when his father introduced the three addition to the family as the would-be-son-in-laws.Yoongi did freak out and Jin assured him that his father didn't mean it.Kim Ilwoo on the other hand looked very serious and was so proud.Ki bum was surprised as well remembering how Kim Ilwoo had told him that he will play along with his sons and see how far this will go.Clearly Kim Ilwoo was the master of the game.

The night proceeded with little entertainment to Jin as he mulled over his thoughts of what to do with Namjoon and his fake boyfriend thingy.He did find it fascinating that his brother was just like him and couldn't help thinking maybe Taehyung was doing the same.But judging by looking at Jimin,he could also resort to Jimin having a Stockholm syndrome.Or else who would even like his nutcase brother.His thoughts were interrupted when Moonbyul's call came into his phone and he looked around at the room to locate her.She was nowhere.

"Come to the pool",was all that she said.Jin sighed exasperatedly as he saw the scene infront of him.Moonbyul stood by a very drunk Yoongi,hunched over the pool and he had already threw up a couple of times into the pool and the remnants sunk shamelessly into the pool,shading it with a brown.Moonbyul pinched her nose and sighed,"You should have kept an eye on him,Jin.Thank Goodness,noone else saw"
Jin knelt by Yoongi and pulled him off the edge and Yoongi complained grumbling something.Jin couldn't care less and was so angry,he was so close to dunking Yoongi back in the pool.He said,"Atleast be grateful for all the money am paying you"

"Well,well,well...Why would you pay your boyfriend?"
Jin looked up to see Namjoon and that was the moment he knew he fucked up.

I knowww
It's having fun
I didn't proof read so sorry.

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