Chapter 6

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Namjoon had it all perfectly planned,he was the best planner.If they give out an award for planning,it's for Namjoon.Duh!
He had foresaw his father would need convincing and that's why he had already asked Hoseok to stay for six months.Now that his father announced the same,He was ready.He was born ready.What he wasn't ready for was having fuckboy Hoseok under the same roof,mind you, same room as well.Yes,Hoseok did say business is business for him.Namjoon didn't trust him,not just because he was simply alarmed but when Namjoon leaned in at one point of the dinner,Hoseok clearly said,"Your brother landed some hot hunk",Eyes twitching to Yoongi's side.Namjoon's heart had done a weird 'Hold up' thing and he prayed that he get through this fine.Hoseok needs to be told certain other rules too.Namjoon walked to the breakfast that morning with all of these thoughts running around in his head,his elder brother was already present.He swiped down the phone,at times stuffing his mouth with a piece of toast.

"When does your boyfriend arrive?",Jin asked not taking his eyes off the phone.Namjoon tilted his head in confusion,he turned around to check behind him and made sure there's noone else in the room except him and Seokjin.
"Don't be dramatic",Jin said and Namjoon shrugged.
"Last time you spoke to me was when I graduated and that too to say am not better than you",Namjoon waited as the maid brought his breakfast.
"But you are indeed not better than me"
"I finished as the university topper and you finished 132nd rank in a class of 133 where one of them dropped out.We are not the same hyung",Namjoon threw a sinister insult at Jin who recieved it gratefully.
"Brother that's where you are very wrong.When you are born with silver spoon,no one cares for how much you score.The real score is this",Jin pointed to his face.
"Yeah,I think you are still zero there",Namjoon said before taking a sip off his juice.

"Stop bickering so early in the morning,Am getting a headache",Taehyung mumbled as he took his seat far from his brothers.
"That's because you have a hangover",Namjoon served.Taehyung wasn't in the mood to start something so early in the morning.He ignored his brothers and plugged in the earpods.
"So when is your boyfriend coming?",Jin repeated,totally unscathed.
"By evening.Dad said Ki bum will pick him"
"Tell Ki bum to pick Yoongi too"
"Will consider"
Both the brothers turned to look at Taehyung and Taehyung looked lost.
"What about Jimin?",Jin was the one who asked.
"What about him?"
"How is he coming?",Jin actually liked Jimin.The boy was innocent.
"I don't know",Taehyung shrugged.
"How did you even land with such a sweet guy?",Jin sighed and left the table at once and stopped,"Namjoon,Ask Ki bum to pick up Jimin too"
"Will consider",Namjoon replied.


Yoongi was uncomfortable.Even that's an understatement.He was praying the journey ends fast but no he could feel Hoseok's hands behind his shoulder,threading over the headrest.Yoongi send a glare to Hoseok's side who retracted his hand and smiled.
Yoongi looked outside to see Ki bum help Jimin carry a bag and Yoongi got out.Not that he wanted to help,but the air Hoseok is spreading is way too flirtatious.Ki bum was chatting away to a smiling Jimin as he loaded the bags into the trunk.
"I'll sit up front",Yoongi announced and opened the door but on second thoughts he closed the door.Though he acts like he doesn't care ,he didn't want to push Jimin to sit with someone like Hoseok.He didn't say anything and took his seat near Hoseok as a confused Jimin rode shotgun.
Yoongi contemplated,it's not too late.Is his brother's job really worth all this?Yoongi sighed and pushed open the door.For a second he was confused if he had stepped into a baseball stadium or something,the room was humangous.Why would people need a big room that'd literally need you to hail a taxi to get from one end to the other?Yoongi took his time to look around the room,there was a huge walk-in wardrobe near what he assumed to be a washroom or maybe a inner room.He walked in,taking his jacket off in the process but came to an instant halt as he saw someone sprawled across the King bed. Ofcourse, Kim SeokJin.The self proclaimed world wide handsome.Yoongi rounded the bed to stand next to Seokjin.Jin lay across the bed,shirtless and mouth hanging slightly open.His lips were very plump to Yoongi's liking,hair dishelved and falling all over the pillow.Yoongi didn't hesitate checking out his fake boyfriend at all,he has perfect liberty or so he thought as he let his eyes roam from Jin's broad well set chest over to his toned abs.Jin sleepily ran a hand from his abs to his chest and turned to his side.Yoongi startled a bit and took a step almost knocking off the lamp on the bed side counter.When he set it back and turned around at Jin again,his soul left his body.

"Like what you see?",Jin asked,shamelessly.But yoongi didn't miss a beat,"Only if I am into Ugly"
"Am putting my stuff inside the closet"
"Away from my brands,please"
Yoongi scoffed at the narcissist as he walked away.


"I've cleaned up a space for you,You can put your things there",Namjoon said,opening his closet door.Hoseok was indeed impressed and he heaved his bag into it,to unpack and settle down.
"I can pay you only if Dad reactivates the cards",Namjoon reminded Hoseok.
"As long as I get food and shelter,am not in a rush",Hoseok smiled.Namjoon smiled and quickly remembered who Hoseok really was and soon put his gaurds up.
"Hey,So do you know my brother from before?",Namjoon remembered and Hoseok lost his composure for a minute.But he regained quickly and turned around with a smile,"Not that I remember"
Namjoon nodded thoughtfully,"Alright,I am going out with Jackson.Get settled in"

nothing,am outta words
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