Chapter 12

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Jin had no idea how he ended up in a club after the movie.It's not that he complained,infact it's his favourite thing in the world  but his mind wasn't in the right place to be enjoying it right now.He downed another shot and looked to his right.Jimin looked fascinated and Ki bum was making fun of him,a little bit tipsy himself.Jin had called up Moonbyul to come and she had said she is on her way.He has no idea about how much of that is true,but he waited.Besides Yoongi,there's another concern that had been burning him.His eyes scanned Hoseok as the guy kept dancing.Mind you,he dances really well but something about him seems off as he hit on random strangers and danced with them.Why does Namjoon have a weird taste ?And why does he look so familiar?

"Hey,I don't appreciate seeing you twice a day",Moonbyul said as she sat down by Jin.Before he could say anything,she turned around at Ki bum,"Never thought I'll see you in clubs and who is this gentleman,you got a boyfriend?"
Everyone present let out a "no" immediately.
"It's Taehyung's boyfriend",Jin quickly cleared.
"Oh! your favourite one",Moonbyul smiled widely and Jin nodded as he turned around to find Hoseok whom he had lost in the crowd.
"So did you talk to Yoongi yet?",Moonbyul dragged Jin back into their conversation.Jin just shook his head and leant back.He called for another drink and Moonbyul shook her head,"Look.. I know you made a mistake-"
"A stupid mistake"
"Yes,and don't you dare interrupt me again.As I was saying,you made a mistake and you need to apologize for that.And if he still wouldn't budge,promise him more money.He'd fall right in"
"Yeah,yeah..Give it a break"

Moonbyul was just repeating words and Jin hadn't picked up the courage yet.Moonbyul called for a drink for herself and leaned back to cozy with Jin,eyeing the crowd.
"Isn't that the guy from Hawaii?",Moonbyul suddenly piped up, pointing into the crowd.Jin lazily followed the direction and tilted his head in confusion.
"That one,What was his name? J...Jhope",Moonbyul finished and Jin immediately choked on his drink.What in the freaking hell? How could he not remember? all this time? How could he forget the cheery guy from Hawaii,the party dude,the f*ckboy who was after every guy in the club that night.
"Are you sure?",Jin wanted to be absolutely right about this.Moonbyul huffed in annoyance,"Oh come on.I'd recognize him from any crowd..He was the one who had a one night stand with Seonghwa that night and I went to pick him up the next day in his room.He tried to hit on me the next thing"
Jin's mouth fell open and the frown in his lips turned into a smirk.He turned around at Moonbyul and pulled her face to plant a kiss on her cheeks.Moonbyul let out a scream,trying to swat Jin away.Ki bum and Jimin looked at the duo in confusion.
"Don't worry,I still love Yoongi",Jin told Jimin and punched his fist in the air.


Taehyung contemplated and turned around at the entrance of the kitchen for the third time.He wanted to know where Jimin was.Everytime Jimin was out of his sight,Taehyung was anxious that his father would talk to him.When he finally decided he shouldn't worry too much about it and decided to retire to his room,He heard a car pull up at the front.Taehyung opened up the door to see Jin,Hoseok and Jimin get out of Ki bum's car.Hoseok was singing something loudly as he made his way past Taehyung and Jin followed closely.Jimin was still standing beside the car,bending down to talk to Ki bum.Seconds later Ki bum got out and stood beside Jimin,leaning onto the car.

"Did you have fun?",Ki bum asked and Jimin nodded excitedly.Ki bum couldn't resist smiling at how cute Jimin was,rosy cheeks from the weather and puppy eyes.
"I'll take you out more often",Ki bum said,bringing his hands to toussel Jimin's hair.
"My exams are coming up,I seriously shouldn't be partying",Jimin replied as he set his hair back.
"Exactly! You need to relieve some stress.Let me atleast pick you up from university"
"Ah,hyung..please don't,I don't want to burden you"
Ki bum couldn't explain why his heart was feeling warm all of a sudden,something about Jimin set his heart at ease.He pinched Jimin's cheeks and laughed,"you are cute"
Jimin laughed along but their moment was interrupted when Taehyung came out of nowhere and pulled Jimin to his side.Both Jimin and Ki bum were taken aback.Taehyung's nails were pressing into Jimin's hands and Jimin flinched.

"Are you trying to hit on my boyfriend?", Taehyung's voice was deep and almost scary.
"Tae,we were just talking",Ki bum's eyes switched between Taehyung and Jimin trying to free himself.
"He has me to take him out"
"Take your hands off him, Tae"
"What is it to you?"
"You are hurting him",Ki bum said as he pulled Taehyung's hand off Jimin.
"If you are his boyfriend,freaking act like it",Ki bum said, raging in anger.He nodded at Jimin and was gone.

Jimin quietly turned around,rubbing his arm,only to be stopped by Taehyung.He crossed his arms over his chest.
"What are you trying to do,Jimin?",Taehyung demanded.
"I didn't do anything,I was just talking to hyung",Jimin said truthfully.
"Not that..What are you doing? Making friends in my family,private meetings with my dad and going out with my brother and boyfriend,Are you trying to stick on?"
Jimin was indeed shocked ,his mouth fell open but no words came out.He couldn't figure out where this conversation was coming from or heading to.His eyes burned.
"Is everything okay?",Namjoon,who just came home looked between the duo.He noticed Jimin's hurt face.
"Are you okay,Jimin?"
Jimin said nothing but kept staring at Taehyung.Namjoon didn't ask anything further for he knows how bad his brother's temper can get.He pulled Jimin along into the mansion as he walked.


Jin's eyes were fixed onto Hoseok as he walked behind him and took the stairs.He bit his lip, contemplating his decision and decided to go on with it.
"Jhope",called Jin.
"Yup",Hoseok turned around instinctively and froze.The silence grew as Jin bore an annoying sneer and Hoseok looked like a deer caught in head light.

A/n:okay am gonna make a promise that I won't probably keep cause am lazy but am gonna upload one chapter of both Goodbyes hurt and The chaebol game every week.

Did ya guys like it,I didn't proof read so forgive me and please leave comments else I will come sleep under your bed.

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