Chapter 61

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"Take your f*cking hands off me", Taehyung stood in the midst of three or four men from his father's security team as they tried to escort him.The security team's head bowed and said,"Young master,We have been ordered to bring you home"
"Aish..", Taehyung tried to shake off the buff man who was holding onto his left hand but they were stronger than himself and it was physically impossible to throw away three of the same kind.
The head took his phone out and dialled,"Sir,We have got hold of Young master Taehyung"
Knowing that it was his father at the other side, Taehyung screamed,"This is what you do now?!! Trying to lock me up!! You destroyed my whole life and this is how you solve it?? By taking control of it??"
The head hesitated and upon request,he placed the phone on his palm and pressed the 'speaker'.
Kim Ilwoo's voice fled out of the phone,"I am not taking control of your life, Taehyung.I just need to talk and as long as you won't come home on your own,it would be difficult for me and you so just come with them",
Taehyung struggled to reach the phone but it was already pocketed.
"Sir,if you please",The guards stepped aside asking Taehyung to get into the car.Seeing as he had no other choice but concede,he angrily kicked the door, cursed under his breath before getting in.Taehyung had come as south as he could,he had no idea what he was looking for.Probably running as far as the land goes,as far as the road takes.He leant against his seat and gritted his teeth in frustration.

Ki bum wasn't very familiar with this part of the country.He had no buisness down this road until today ,Today he was in search of someone who is very dear to him.He and Seokjin's assistant, Il sung,had walked around the block twice,unable to locate any Academy in the neighborhood.Il sung looked at his phone for the umpteenth time and sighed,"He said it's a crowded road though,there's not much people here"

Ki bum bit his lips and heaved a breath as he took the phone from Il sung and studied.He sighed in frustration,"Ah..Il sung ah,The block is two not eleven.It was roman letters"
Il sung tilted his head to look over Ki bum's shoulder and opened his mouth in surprise.Ki bum spend no time, watching Il sung grimacing and scratching his head and Il sung caught onto it quickly.
"I'll get the car,Hyung",Il sung resorted pretty fast and Ki bum thought that he should have just asked the Academy's name and with a lot of grumbling from his side, they reached the second block and started looking for any Academies.Like Yoongi stated,this side of the town was pretty packed and the streets looked rarely deserted.Ki bum had his eyes fixed on the building boards when he heard the familiar voice,not too far from him.

"Thankyou,Please check it out"

Ki bum felt the familiar fluttering of butterflies coming alive in the pit of his stomach,no matter how hard he had tried to bury them,there they were shamelessly prodding at the walls of his stomach.He tried to calm his arising heart beat as his eyes landed on Jimin,whom he had lost since the night he found him by the curb.Jimin had left even before Ki bum woke up the next morning and was never seen since then.Ki bum had done his detours to Sanders' multiple times to no avail.With a broken heart,Ki bum realized then how much he loved the smaller one.

"Jimin", Ki bum called,doubting himself if his small of a sound even made it to Jimin and it did.Jimin responded nevertheless.He wasn't expecting to see Ki bum ever again.
"I thought you'd have gone far",Ki bum commented and it can't be blamed that a sad sigh accompanied his words and Jimin chuckled as a reply,"There's not really much 'far' that I can go"
And it was true,there's not much distance someone like Jimin could go.He always knew that he'd always be found some way or another but he was expecting someone else to find him.
Ki bum gave him a hug and stood back,just trying to read Jimin,things probably he won't tell Ki bum hereforth.Il sung vaguely waved at Jimin and Jimin smiled back.
"Why are you here,hyung?",Jimin asked as they continued down the path and left Il sung at the side, contemplating whether he should follow or stay.

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