Chapter 19

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It was half past two in the morning and Jimin was scared to even breath,let alone move or fall sleep.Taehyung was lying at the other end of the bed and he could see through the corner of his eyes,the light heaving of his chest as he slept on,only made Jimin more nervous, the fact that it didn't even seem real.Taehyung had said 'no' at first to sleep with him,but then at some hour Jimin turned around to see Taehyung by him,keeping to one side.Maybe he couldn't really handle the couch.Jimin turned slightly towards Taehyung and through the faint light he could see the fine lines defining Taehyung's sharp features.He doesn't seem to be in his usual mean self ,instead he looked so soft..even more to say baby -like and Jimin could swear Taehyung was much more than what he let people see.
He remembered the conversation he had with Hyeojoo few days ago,before the party happened.
"Taehyungie's mother died giving birth to him and he had grown with not much love around.His father didn't let his relatives stay in fear of the vengeance and betrayal that persisted at the time and Taehyung was on his own and his brothers weren't around either"

Breaking Jimin's string of thoughts,Taehyung scooted closer and Jimin's heart did a thing it didn't know was capable of.Some thing he had before,just on the same day when Ki bum confessed.A part of him still wanted to believe that Ki bum was lying but the sincerity was real,maybe he will talk about it when he gets time.But then again he shouldn't be associated with neither Ki bum nor Taehyung.So it's of no use to venture into anything he feels,he closed his eyes.It's a long day tomorrow and he couldn't wait to see his mother.


Jungkook walked into the kitchen to find Hoseok sitting by the table and he turned around immediately but Hoseok called after him.Jungkook was anticipating the worst,his lips turned tight as he smiled awkwardly at Hoseok.

"I'm sorry"

That was not what Jungkook was expecting at all.
"I was a bit drunk and I know it's not even justifiable still.But - I'm really sorry"
Then the awkward atmosphere followed and Jungkook laughed into it,he extended his hand to tap lightly on Hoseok's shoulder,"It's okay,Hyung.You might have mistaken me for Namjoon hyung,eh?"
"Sure!",Hoseok returned the same smile with the same intensity.
"Alright,I gotta head to office right now,see you later",Jungkook was about to leave the kitchen and Hoseok immediately dusted off his hand and said,"Could ya drop me at the museum?"
"At Namjoon hyung's?"
"Yeah..I am tired of sitting idle, thought I'd help him",Hoseok said and Jungkook nodded.Hoseok excused himself to get a change of shirt.

Jungkook waited up and scrolled through his phone and saw Taehyung coming down the stairs.He greeted Taehyung with a 'hi' and Taehyung asked,"Shouldn't you have left?"
"Will in a while! Did Jimin hyung leave?"
"Didn't see him around when I woke up",Taehyung shrugged and Jungkook nodded commenting that maybe Jin dropped him off at the campus.Just then Hoseok came down,"shall we?"
"Yup,see ya later hyung.Stay grumpy",Jungkook tousselled Taehyung's hair and didn't stay back to witness the disapproval.

A few minutes later,Taehyung saw Jin leave and that triggered his thoughts whether Ki bum had dropped off Jimin instead.He stared at his phone contemplating whether he should call up or not.No,he shouldn't.Why should he care.


Jimin wanted to open up the conversation but he just didn't know how,so he sat gazing outside the window.
"How do you feel?",Ki bum broke the silence and Jimin smiled,"am okay"
The silence fell again and it somehow suffocated Jimin again,he started,",about yesterday-"
"I was serious",Ki bum said as if he read Jimin's mind and Jimin took a moment.Ki bum checked the time and slowed down his car.Jimin waited as he parked at the side and turned fully at Jimin.
"Look,Jimin..Listen to what am saying,okay?"
Jimin had no idea what this was about,but he was scared for some reason.
"I know you are not Taehyung's boyfriend",Ki bum said and time froze.Jimin's heart was beating against his chest in fear that he was caught on.His life is done for,Taehyung will burn him alive.He kept his gaze ,trying to come up with something but then Ki bum said,"I knew it from the first day.You don't have to lie to me and I won't tell anyone either.You can trust me and also-"
Ki bum was interrupted by Jimin's phone ringing and Jimin didn't realize for a few seconds.His phone slipped because of how nervous he was and he managed to attend the call,it was Taehyung.
Ki bum sat back and leant against the seat, sighing.
"Am late for class",was all Jimin said and Ki bum couldn't continue a conversation.
When he mentioned he'd come by evening to pick him up,Jimin said he won't be going to the mansion tonight and would be leaving to see his mother.Ki bum nodded without no other choice.

Ki bum promised himself he wouldn't bring up that topic again for a while cause it was definitely disturbing Jimin and he didn't want Jimin to feel uncomfortable over this but then again he wanted to put an end to Taehyung treating Jimin like shit.


It was late and Hoseok was waiting for Namjoon to finish.He lazily leaned against the car and Namjoon locked the entrance and was speaking to the night gaurd.
"Sorry,It was a bit crazy today",Namjoon said as he walked down the stairs and Hoseok waved it off.
"Do you want me to drive?",Hoseok offered.Namjoon chucked the key at Hoseok,who caught it.
"Sometimes you actually surprise me by being a decent human",Namjoon commented as he buckled up and Hoseok reversed the car.To that Hoseok let out a small laugh and kept his attention on the mirror.
"But seriously, The Hawaiin JHope and you seem like different people to me,well unless you are drunk"
Hoseok shrugged,"This is the real me,The other one was fake"
Namjoon nodded and he actually admired the fact that he could have a decent conversation with someone whom he prejudiced a lot over.His thoughts lost in reins in the midst of Hoseok humming to whatever song that came over the radio.
"Do you wanna go have a drink?",Namjoon offered out of the blue.
"We can't drink and drive",Hoseok said and Namjoon smiled,"No,there's this club Jackson owns,we could get our private pool"
Hoseok nodded his head slowly and let Namjoon know he loved the notion.

When Namjoon promised a private pool to Hoseok,he meant it.Hoseok had been to multiple parties hosted by big shots but Jackson's lounge was very different.He put his feet into the cold water and sighed in satisfaction.Namjoon extended a beer to him and sat by him.
"This is nice",Namjoon heard Hoseok say and smiled,"it's not even fancy"

Few drinks in,the formality blew off and the couple were suddenly best pals.Namjoon won't deny there actually was a moment when he considered Hoseok as he drank to the last drop,tipping the bottle over,he looked ethereal against the yellow lights.He smiled and accidentally let slip,"I might end up actually liking you" and Hoseok let out a laugh as a reply.He knew the power he holds,every women and men had alike fawned over him.
"You see Namjoon,I never had a friend.Wait,are you my friend?",Hoseok slurred, looking at Namjoon and Namjoon squinted his eyes at Hoseok.
"Yeah,I'd consider you one.Jungkook texted me you apologized so officially I have nothing against you"
"Then I have a story to tell"
It was totally out of the blue but Namjoon sat up straight,dangling his legs into the pool,the shining city ahead their view beautiful as ever.

"There was this boy,sweet and naive.Thought the world is the four roads of his town.Lived happily happily with his his little sister.A very happy family,you know",Hoseok said and Namjoon replied with something along the lines ,"I'm jealous"
Hoseok held up a finger against Namjoon's lips  to shush him.Namjoon fell silent and Hoseok let his hand drop.
"So happy that the boy would boast.And one day..very fine day,the boy was going home with his sister and do you know what he sees on the way?"
Namjoon urged by humming.
"His dad was kissing a lady..another lady..not his mother",Hoseok sighed,"His dad treated that lady like he treated his mom at home,Is that good,Namjoon?"
"Wrong",Namjoon straightened,his eyes never leaving Hoseok and Hoseok looked ahead,he sounded more serious when he opened his mouth again,"The boy couldn't sleep for days.Days and days and he decided to tell his mother and his mother held him in her arms as she cried.She told him that she knew,she had known for years now",A single tear escaped Hoseok's eyes and he made no attempt to wipe them off,"She told him to pretend that he didn't know.She said she had no where to go if she leaves,she said he couldn't be with her if they chose to leave...",Hoseok turned to look at Namjoon and held his eyes in his.
"And I pretended.I saw him kiss her ,I saw him hug her like nothing happened.I saw him betray my mother.I saw my mother being okay with it,I saw her tears"

More tears flooded and Namjoon mindlessly brought a hand up to wipe off Hoseok's tears and he closed his eyes against the touch.
"That's all for today",Hoseok mumbled as he pulled away and leant down to lie on his back to gaze at the vast dark sky.Namjoon with his hands in the mid-air didn't know what to say.So he too leant back to follow Hoseok.

A/n: yes ,an extra long chapter..ah ha...How do you like it?? Lemme know my fav people..yes another update..and I am not sure if I'll update this weekend cause it's a long chapter and a double date y'all

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