Chapter 45

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Ofcourse Yoongi knew he had it coming when Jin threw his car keys against the drawer and turned around to face him.
"Why would you tell him, Yoongi?",He asked,his face a reddish hume and Yoongi took off his coat and threw it casually over the bed.He took a seat and waited for Jin's rage to calm down.
"It's enough that Namjoon and Hoseok knows.Now Jimin knows too, he'd tell Taehyung!! Then Dad knows!"
"I thought you were going to come clean to your father anyway",Yoongi shrugged and Jin closed his eyes,biting his lips furiously.
"I think Jimin deserves to know,I don't want to fool him.He trusts us with his secret",Yoongi said firmly and Jin's mouth was sealed shut.Jin came down to sit with him,trying not to meet Yoongi's eyes.
"Just let it be,come clean so we can all find our way home",Yoongi said as he left Jin.


Hoseok walked in to see Namjoon immediately cutting the call.Hoseok obviously thought it was suspicious but decided it's not his place to ask anything.He went on with his ways and suddenly remembered,"Yoongi hyung asked if I had any idea when you were going to tell your father.We need to start packing our stuff,you know?", Hoseok said and Namjoon's mouth fell open,searching in darkness for an answer.He refused to meet Hoseok's eyes,"After Taehyung's birthday"
"That's two days before new year",Hoseok remembered and Namjoon nodded.There were too much emotions bubbling under Namjoon's skin but he still wasn't able to distinguish them.For one,he doesn't know what kind of feeling he has towards Hoseok and two,he is not ready for something yet to begin.Hoseok was saying something and Namjoon had zoned out.
"Namjoon!",Hoseok called out and Namjoon shook his head,"I am sorry..I just..I'm late for work",He said and before he walked out,he turned to look at Hoseok,"I have to go to Gwanju this weekend.Would you like to come along?"
Hoseok  nodded and Namjoon was gone, Hoseok tried to shake off his thoughts as they crept up about the time he had came to the mansion and headed to the bathroom but then a memory started playing in his head.

Hoseok had woken up that day with sleep still weighing his eyes down and urge to keep stretching until he gets rid of  the weird feeling.He heard a low hum from the bathroom and pulled himself out of the bed.Namjoon was leaning over the counter with a lipstick in his hand.But quite contrary to Hoseok's first thought,Namjoon wasn't applying it to his lips but on his neck.
"What are you doing?",Hoseok asked as he picked up his brush startling Namjoon.
"Am trying to make hickeys so that they'll believe me",Namjoon trailed off as he reached over the counter,closer to the mirror.He turned around to show Hoseok his neck,head thrown back,"Do they look real?"
Hoseok smiled sleepily as he pulled Namjoon back to examine at the sides.
"Good but lipsticks are no match to me",Hoseok stated and Namjoon confusedly extended the lipstick towards Hoseok,"Then you put it on for me"
But Hoseok pulled Namjoon closer and said,"not like that" and smirked as he leant in further to mark his territory leaving Namjoon frozen and breathless.

Hoseok closed his eyes tight and told himself,"Shut it,Hoseok.Freaking shut it"


Yoongi sighed as his phone rang again,seventh time this morning.His brother's name flashing again on the screen and he finally huffed,"Hello"
"Why aren't picking up your phone Yoongi?", Yoongi's brother screamed into the receiver and Yoongi kept the phone away until he stopped screaming.
"I been busy,hyung", Yoongi said and Namgi was infuriated,"Busy posing  boyfriend to Kim Seokjin?"
Yoongi didn't reply and waited,but that only got the elder more furious,"I saw the news,Explain yourself"
"It's nothing and stop treating me like a kid.I know what am doing"
"What do you mean? You go missing for the last few months,won't pick up my calls and then the first thing I hear about you is you are Kim heir's boyfriend"
"Lay off me",Yoongi protested but Namgi retorted,"I haven't forgotten the huge fat crush you had on that guy"
"That was in highschool,hyung!!"
"I am coming to see you"
"No!!",Yoongi started,"Hyung,I'll come and see you.Please"
Namgi,after a lot of persuasion,agreed for Yoongi to go meet him and Yoongi sighed.His attention was still on his phone when someone walked into the store and he looked up to see Moonbyul.
"Byul ssi?",Yoongi tilted his head at her and Moonbyul mock-saluted him.
"I was told you have hamsters here,I wanted one",She said ,looking around,her hands in her pocket turning crimson in the cold.
"Oh, yes..We do", Yoongi said as he came out of the counter and lead her to the left side of the store.
Moonbyul was walking around the cages of hamsters and Yoongi was eyeing her doubtedly.Although he had a hunch that she wasn't here for the hamster,at the end she did choose one and paid for it.
"I don't know anything about taking care of it, so am gonna ring you up",She commented and Yoongi nodded and then Yoongi saw Moonbyul stare at him,he looked at her awkwardly.
"Do you wanna go get a coffee?",Moonbyul offered and Yoongi waited for Moonbyul to say she is kidding but she didn't,she just nursed the cage with the hamster in her arms and continued looking at Yoongi.

Moonbyul was ordering coffee and Yoongi just stared out the window of the cafe.The december chill was creeping up and someone had left the door open.Yoongi's toes curled,he shouldn't be stupid enough to wear crocs.
"Here's your coffee",Moonbyul said,leaning over to place the coffee on their table and sat opposite to him.Yoongi took a cautious look at Moonbyul,but she didn't care.
"What's this ? Suddenly?",Yoongi asked finally,his curiousity had reached it's peak.Moonbyul works in her own time.Although she clearly understood the question,she took a lazy sip of her coffee and met Yoongi's eyes.
"What would you do if Jin loves you?", Moonbyul's blunt question took Yoongi out,all at once.He stared and stared.Moonbyul tapped the table,"I am not saying he is in love with you.I was just wondering"
"But is he?",Yoongi asked and Moonbyul shrugged,"He didn't tell me anything.I can't be sure"
"Then why are we here?"
"Let me ask you this Yoongi,Do you like him?"
Yoongi ran his tongue over his lips,savouring the remnants of the coffee from his last sip.
"I used to,back when I was in highschool.Ofcourse you know that,Everyone knows that.It's a highschool crush"
Moonbyul nodded,"So you don't like him?"
Yoongi was annoyed,didn't he just make it clear?Before Yoongi could respond,Moonbyul added,"I wanted to be absolutely sure"
"What could change if my answer was any different?",Yoongi couldn't help but ask and to that Moonbyul leant into her seat and shrugged,"A lot of things or maybe nothing"
"I have to go.Ki won will ruin the store",Yoongi said as he got up and stuck his hand into his coat pocket.Moonbyul nodded in acknowledgment as he thanked for the coffee and watched him leave.Moonbyul sighed before she pulled her phone out to make a call.
"I guess we have an answer.He doesn't like you, Jin.You can stop wondering"


Jin had been sitting idle for a while now looking at his phone waiting for Moonbyul's call,the receptionist gave him multiple glances wondering what got him silent.
"I know am very handsome but I don't appreciate being stared at",Jin finally said,his eyes still on the floor.
"Sorry,Young master",The girl bowed and kept her concentration to the door.Jin sat up straight and cleared his throat,"If I tell you a secret,how good are you at keeping it?"
Although she was taken a bit back by the sudden question,she came up with a decent answer,"I don't share secrets that's been told confidential"
Jin nodded and tapped on the chair near him,inviting her to sit beside him.She took careful steps and took a seat by him.
"I like someone-"
"Ofcourse ,your boyfriend",The girl lightened up and Jin's glance shut her up immediately.
"Yeah okay..But I don't know if that's what people call love or anything but I like when he is around.I don't feel alone",Jin said and the girl concentrated.
"How would I know what it is for real?",Jin asked and the girl's lips twisted before answering,"Do you like being with him, Sir?"
"Yeah..I mean,You know I never liked going home.So I barely stayed home but these days I love getting off work.It's like something to look forward to"
The girl nodded and asked again,"Do you miss him when he's not around?"
Jin sighed dreamily,"I had to stay with
secretary Ki bum for past few days.I felt like I was missing something..I couldn't quite understand what but then he walked through the door and it was just right"

The girl giggled and Jin looked up, confused,"What?"
She just shook her head and said,"Did you tell him?"
"Tell him what?"
"That you are in love with him!not just like him"
Jin looked at her and thought if he should suspend her or fire her but before he could open his mouth,something in the back of his mind echoed a memory from Amilla Fushi,when they had gone fishing.

"I love this,I love us"

"Oh shit!",Jin said,"What's your name?"
"Min Heegyu,Sir"
"Heegyu yah,You messed up my head",Jin said and Heegyu blinked.Jin got up to hold Heegyu on her shoulders and shook her lightly,"You messed me up"
Just then Jin's phone rang.Moonbyul's meeting with Yoongi must be over.
"Hello Byul?"

Heegyu watched as Jin's face droop.

A/n:SoooooOoooOoooooo I hope y'all doing fine!
I love you all and I have started writing climax..spoiler:it's tears and shit..

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